I know they go through picky stages but he NEVER eats lunch or dinner. It is a constant struggle and I just dont know what to feed him anymore. He never asks me for snacks and when I ask him if he wants one he says no. I try not to get upset but it is ridiculous. Of course he cries for junk food which I wont give him. Lunch is just a pain because he doesn't like chicken fingers, hot dogs, grilled cheese, etc. all of the kids staples. Yesterday he wanted pickles & crackers and cheese. Do you just not let it bother you and if the dont eat then they dont eat?
Re: HELP - my toddler wont eat!
We are going through this stage now. I am stressed. My husband not so much. DS goes to school and eats there just fine. He doesnt eat much at home. It is almost like he is bored with lunch food. I try to tell him "Calliou eats meatballs" or "Pop Pop loves stew". He is like yeah ok mom as he paints his high chair.
He is drinking just fine and the pedi said when he is hungry he will eat.
As long as he has one good meal a day and drinking regulary I am starting to not worry. He went from a whole grilled cheese at lunch with carrots to a bite of something and crying so I am not forcing food.
My son isn't a great eater either. He's the one who will take a bite of everything and that is about it. He won't touch a vegetable, though he'll eat some fruit (apple slices, pears). He has only gained two pounds since he was 8 months old, so his pediatrician recommended adding Carnation Instant Breakfast powder to his milk, which he also wasn't drinking well. That helps to add vitamins, minerals, protein, fat and calories to his diet and it encourages him to drink more. She also said to add some butter for flavor, if I hadn't. It didn't make a difference with veggies.
Of course, Cole will also eat chips and other junk. I just keep trying with the regular food. One day he'll eat something the next he won't. It's frustrating.
Sometimes I will make him Dreamfield Pasta as he'll usually eat plain noodles. Dreamfield has extra protein in it. Sometimes I give him cereal for dinner, but I always offer it alongside of what we are having so he can hopefully try what we are eating, which usually goes into his mouth and then drops right back out! Grrr.