Pre-School and Daycare

Birthday parties for older kids

At what age are you comfortable leaving your LO at a birthday party by themselves?  We went to the neighbor's party over the weekend and he was turning 6.  There was one parent who was a friend there and DH and I..but DS is a lot younger and we live next door, so we stayed and helped out a bit. 

Perhaps I am one of "those" parents, but gee...even at 6 I can't imagine leaving DS at a party alone.  I guess it depends where it is and who the parents are, and probably lots of other things too.  And I don't have a 6 year old either, so maybe 2 years makes a difference.

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Re: Birthday parties for older kids

  • I've been dropping off DD for about two years now.  She just turned 5, but is on the younger side for her preschool class.  Drop off parties (both at people's houses and at bouncy/gym type places) started when the kids turned 4.  Some parents did stay at 4 (I usually didn't stay because I have a younger child who was not invited and I think it's rude to bring uninvited sibs), but now that they are turning 5 no one stays. Nobody seems to worry too much about it.   DD LOVES drop off parties, and it does make it much easier for her to attend if I can carpool and drop off. At 6 I'd expect most kids to be dropped off. 
  • I'm not quite sure how I will feel about that when my oldest son turns 6. I know that he's almost 5 and I have never seen a 4 or 5 year old child dropped off at a birthday party. At this age I feel like too much could happen, and wouldn't feel comfortable trusting the birthday parents watching out for 10+ kids. (nor would I feel like it's fair to ask them to when so much is on their plate that day) I think I may feel the same at age 6. I'd probably wait until first grade.
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  • In our area I think it is around age 5 that parents start to drop them off.  We have only gone to one party with older kids and DS2 was invited so I stayed.  
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  • I have only dropped DD off once for a birthday party (at age 6) and it was at a classmate's bouncy house party and had met the mom once before (when she dropped her DD off at our party).   At age 6, it is pretty common around here, in fact, at a good friend swimming party several moms of 6/7 year olds dropped off, only 2 of us stayed!  I had my 4 year old there (good friend, like I said) so I was NOT leaving.   Oh wait, DD has also been to a sleepover birthday party for a neighbor friend turning 8.   She was 6.5.  It was no big deal.  She had a blast!  

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  • rsd12rsd12 member
    It depends on the party. But yes I have dropped my 6 yr old off at parties. If i stay it is because i want to talk to the other parents ; ) He has gotten rides with other friends to go to parties as well. He goes to friends houses without me too. I am noticing a big difference in independence from 6 yrs than from 4yrs old. My boys seem to be at different stages for the first time too!
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  • I think my kids would at least have to be in 1st grade for me to drop them off at a party. And even then I would have to know that family some what for me to leave my kid at their house. If it was at a play place then I would be more comfortable but I would be the mom that hangs around for the first 20min. DH and I are the type of people that will always offer for your kid to come play at our house or spend the night at our house. We just feel more comfortable with our kids home.
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