My twins were seen in the NICU by the ophthalmologist routinely. No problems were ever found. After DD was discharged in October, they said to come back in 6 months for a follow-up. I went with her yesterday and they said everything still looked normal. I thought this would be the last appointment since everything looked good, but the doctor said to come back in 1 year for another follow-up.
Is this normal protocol for preemies? How long do you keep bringing your preemies to the ophthalmologist for check ups?
Re: ophthalmologist follow-up ?s
It's normal because preemies (esp. those who had ROP) have a higher incidence of needing glasses. So they just keep an eye on our LOs. We got the clear from our eye surgeon (LOs had ROP) and went to the opthamologist. Got the clear from her and we go back in 6 months.