Baby Names

Is Elise the new Charlotte?

I love Elise for a girl. I think it's classic and feminine, but with the vintage naming trend, I'm afraid it will become the next Charlotte or Grace (great names, just too popular for my taste). Do you think it's going to see a popularity surge anytime soon?
DH and I are Americans living an adventure in Kenya since 2011
DX: PCOS (annovulatory)
Feb 2012: IUI #1 w/ only 1M sperm and a single follie = BFP! 
Nov 2012: Little buddy born in Kenya
Nov 2013: Trying for a second, still w PCOS
Dec 2013: IUI cycle canceled for non-response
Jan 2014: Break cycle BFP!

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Re: Is Elise the new Charlotte?

  • We won't know officially until Monday. Crying

    I am seeing Elise more and more (on this board). I prefer it in the mn spot.


  • We chose Elise for our daughter a year and a half ago but it didn't seem too popular at that time. I'm seeing it around a lot more now then I did then and I was wondering the same thing.  I do find that Elise fits perfectly as a middle name in almost every situation too.  :)
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  • It's definitely trending upward, but creeping, rather than surging. In 2000, it was #254, in 2010, it was #196. For the sake of comparison, Charlotte was #289 in 2000 and #45 in 2010.

    That said, Charlotte doesn't have too many soundalikes, but Elise has to contend with a lot of other El- names that are trending up right now ? Eloise, Elsie, Eleanor, etc. That shouldn't turn you off to a lovely name, but it's just something to consider.

  • YES!! At least on this board... I don't know any young girls named Elise IRL, though.
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  • i highly, highly doubt it. but i do think that scarlett, violet, riley, lila and laila will surge. damnit.
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