Cloth Diapering

fleece liners, diaper cream, washing?

DD had a rash so for night time i put some A&D on her with a fleece liner.  ( I didn't have any cd safe cream)

I just washed the diaper and the fleece liner and I can still see the cream on the liner.  Was I supposed to wash them seperately?  Did I get those oils all over my whole load of diapers now?  I am confused.  


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Re: fleece liners, diaper cream, washing?

  • You should not still be able to see the cream.  I've never had that happen.

    I've had a lot of stink issues (mostly with microfiber) so I've started washing them separately.  It might be smart to strip especially since the cream didn't even come off your liners.  I'd wash them again separately and then strip the dipes that were in the load.

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  • I've always just thrown the fleece liners with the A & D in with my diapers, some of which are cotton and some of which are microfiber.  I have never seen it still on the fleece though.  I would only bother stripping if you notice your diapers stop absorbing.  In two years, I've only stripped my diapers twice, and LO has definitely had more than 2 diaper rashes.

    I'm assuming you do a rinse cycle before you wash, right?  Not sure why the A & D wouldn't come off.  Maybe try throwing in a scoop of Oxiclean in the wash cycle next time you put in fleece with the cream?  Not sure if that would work or not.  

    If you still can't get it off, disposable liners might be a better bet next time LO has a rash. 

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  • This happens anytime I use anything with zinc oxide in it with my fleece liners. I have to squirt dawn on to the liner, scrub with a toothbrush, then throw in the laundry with some towels.
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