First of all, Happy Birthday two days early to Little M.
Secondly he is getting so funny. He calls DH and me Mommy. I can tell by his voice tone who he means and if he is corrected he calls DH Daddy but most of the time it is Mommy. Last night we were driving to get hair cuts for M and DH. M starts yelling Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. I knew he ment DH but to try to break this habbit I asked him what he needed. He got frustrated and said "No, the other Mommy." We had a laugh and DH answered him.
Re: "The other mommy"
Mac and cheese lover!
My Blog

Happy birthday, Michael.
And the stuff that comes outta their mouths.. it just keeps getting more and more interesting....
Happy Birthday Michael! That's cute! I figured out that S (who does the same thing) calls me Daddy when she wants to play, and calls DH Mum when she wants something like a sippy or a diaper change. Nice. So DH is fun and I'm only good for diaper duty.