I'm a FTM my Lo is 10 weeks old today and she is FF. I've brought these issues up to her pdi but she doesn't seem to think there is any issues. There may noy be but part me me thinks there COULD be. Here is why...
LO was projectile vomiting 2-4 times a week. I added in a formula with rice starch and that has helped a ton. She has craddle cap which I've treated with baby oil, olive oil etc...it only looks great for a the day of and day after i put the oils in her hair and wash it good. I tohught it was going away but it's back. It's not BAD but she has a ton of hair and it's getting tougher to pick thorugh her pair all the time. She started getting what looked like craddle cap on her face several weeks back and the pedi told me it was baby acne. Next appt. 1 month later she says yes that looks like craddle cap...wth! She told her her baby acne should clear around two months. It's not AS bad but she still has it. Some days it looks better than others. And at her last 2 month appt. I mentioned how now her legs feel rough like a graininess to them and she said oh yeah that's baby eczema. You can't SEE but feel little bumps. She didn't even recommend tihngs to do to get rid of them. I took it upon myself to go buy her new skincare made for ultra sensitive skin and start there just to see first if it could just be the Avenno products we were using. We already wash and have always washed her things in free & clear and I always do two rinses with her clothes so it's not that. I do bath her daily as it's become apart of our nightly routine. I didn't want to change the skincare AND start bathing less (if that is the problem) and not know what helped. So I've continued to bath everynight and really lotion the heck out of her and started putting more lotion on in the mornings. I started this Sunday and so far it's the same. I want to give maybe another day or two to really give the new products a chance THEN go to bathing less and see if that is what is causing the eczema.
IF doing less bathing doesn't help (gosh I hope that's all it is) would the next step be trying a different formula? Her pedi says she'd have blood on her stool if she could not handle it. But I've read so many forums where babies DID have issues and when the mom switched their lo's got better and none of those moms mentioned bloody stools?? I hope I am going about this right. Anything esle I could be missing? Does it sound like she could possibly have an allergy?
Re: Tell me what you think (long sorry)
If you suspect a problem I would try to get her into a specialist - I'm lucky that I did not need a referal so I took her to the allergist on my own. DD did not have bloody stools until AFTER she test positive for dairy allergy.
DD started out with baby acne from the time she came home with me -- it was very severe and I was told it would clear up also. At her 2 month apointment it cleared up and then you could see her eczema - okay, fine. eczema did not clear up and at her 3 month apointment the pedi said she looked like she had a milk intolerance. Gave up all soy and milk products in my diet (I BF). She seemed to be getting better but she was still super uncomfortable after bottles (used to scream after each bottle and we thought it was colic) so I decided to go to an allergist to have tested done. She tested positive for diary. She had a bad reaction on Saturday after I ate some fish so I suspect she is allergic to other things too. I just started her on Nutramigen (Hypoallergenic by enfamil - specifically for babies with milk protein allergy). She seems to be tolerating well - but they said 2 weeks to really see.
With all of that said - Nutramigen and Alimentum are over the counter formulas that cater to children with milk protein allergy. You can make the switch on your own if you like.. if your pedi is not really listening to your concerns. Also - an intolerance to milk/ soy protien may not show up on test, anyway.