-If you had pre-e that resulted in your preemie, how early did you get it and how severe was it?
-Did you have high blood pressure prior to pregnancy?
-Do you have high blood pressure now?
-Did your doctor advise you to not get pregnant again?
-Did you see MFM?
-Are you going to try for another baby?
-If you've had another pregnancy, was it full term or closer to full term than the previous? Did you have pre-e the second time?
Re: Questions for pre-e mommas!
-If you had pre-e that resulted in your preemie, how early did you get it and how severe was it? Had picture perfect pregnancy up until 30 weeks. At my 28 week appt my levels were fine. I started having swelling in my face around 29ish weeks then went to the doctor the tuesday after fathers day to check my blood pressure to make sure things were good...and they werent. My blood pressure was sky high, I gained 15lbs in less than 2 weeks and was +2 for urine. I was send to labor and delivery right away. I was put on hospital bed rest the next day after a 24 hour collection showed very high levels of protein. The 24 hour collection was repeated sunday in monday with results due around 12 monday, I was also gaining 2lbs a day in fluid. The levels were through the roof and nothing anyone had ever seen before so Logan was born at 2:43 that afternoon at 31 weeks, 4 days.
-Did you have high blood pressure prior to pregnancy? Nope, always had normal blood pressure readings
-Do you have high blood pressure now? I was on meds for the first 6-7 weeks after having Logan. I weened myself off after a follow up with a kidney specialist and 2 normal BP readings with 2 separate doctors. I had to see a kidney specialist after delivery in the hospital and go for follow up testing because they were concerned with permanent damage since my protein levels were so high.
-Did your doctor advise you to not get pregnant again? I was advised to wait at least a year but mostly for full healing of my c-section incisions.
-Did you see MFM? No
-Are you going to try for another baby? Yes, we are probably going to in the fall
I guess I'll answer them too, since I asked the question and am asking you guys to share info about yourself.
-If you had pre-e that resulted in your preemie, how early did you get it and how severe was it? Mine developed at 28 weeks but I started to have swelling around 24 weeks and my BP started to spike around 27 weeks. At 27 weeks, my 24 hour protein was 164, 6 days later it was 1900 and I was diagnosed with severe pre-e and was put on hospital bedrest. I ended up having a classical c-section at 29w1d due to fetal distress, BP through the roof, and my platelets were getting lower, a terrible headache and vomiting.
-Did you have high blood pressure prior to pregnancy? Yes. I was diagnosed when I was 17. It's hereditary.
-Do you have high blood pressure now? Yes. It sucks.
-Did your doctor advise you to not get pregnant again? I've seen two different OBs and they both advised me that it would probably be in my best interest not to have another baby because of the increased risk.
-Did you see MFM? I'm scheduled to see one June 6th.
-Are you going to try for another baby? It depends on what MFM says. If my risk is too high given the early onset of severe pre-e last time and chronic HTN, then we won't. We really want a sibling for R but I don't want to risk her losing her mother in the process.
-If you had pre-e that resulted in your preemie, how early did you get it and how severe was it? My blood pressure started rising at 28 weeks and I had doctor appointments every 3-4 days starting at 28 weeks to do blood pressure and urine checks; I had elevated blood pressure, but nothing super serious, and no protein in my urine until 30w5d, when they found a trace of protein. I went to the hospital the morning when I was 30w6d due to severe pain in my chest and my shoulder blades feeling like they wanted to rip out of my back. When I got to the hospital my blood pressure was 190/120 and there was more protein in my urine (not sure how much exactly); I was diagnosed with severe pre-e at that point. I was put in mag and got the first steroid shot immediately, and made it 3 days in the hospital and delivered DD via c-section at 31w2d. I gained 20lbs. in 3 weeks due to swelling, with the majority of the weight gain coming in the week before DD was born.
-Did you have high blood pressure prior to pregnancy? no
-Do you have high blood pressure now?no
-Did your doctor advise you to not get pregnant again?no, they just recommended I lose some weight before getting pregnant again in case that might help lessen my pre-e chances
-Did you see MFM?dont know what this is
-Are you going to try for another baby? yes, next winter
-If you've had another pregnancy, was it full term or closer to full term than the previous? Did you have pre-e the second time?
If you had pre-e that resulted in your preemie, how early did you get it and how severe was it?
I was diagnosed at 27w5d. My protein at that point was only in the 330's, but my BP's had been sky high... stroke-level high.
-Did you have high blood pressure prior to pregnancy?
-Do you have high blood pressure now?
I am 12 weeks post-partum and my BP has finally started going back to normal. It was high for a while, but not nearly as high as when I had pre-e.
-Did your doctor advise you to not get pregnant again?
My OB was halfway discouraging, halfway okay with it. She thinks I'm likely to be left with chronic BP which makes me high risk for getting pre-e again.
-Did you see MFM?
I did throughout the pregnancy and plan to see him again for a pre-conception appointment.
-Are you going to try for another baby?
-If you had pre-e that resulted in your preemie, how early did you get it and how severe was it?
I had severe pre-e with hellp syndrome. I had right upper abdominal pain at 29 weeks 5 days. Went to store to buy antacids in the evening and bought a BP cuff as well-BP was 180/90 at home. DH and I went to hospital and BP was 205/110 and protein was 4+ (off dipstick). I had an ambulance ride to a larger hospital, where they repeated labs to see if I could have epidural. By that time platelets were too low and I had to be knocked out for my c-section. Only able to get one steroid shot before he was born at 2 am on 29 wks-6 days
-Did you have high blood pressure prior to pregnancy? Nope
-Do you have high blood pressure now? Nope-was on several meds for about 8 weeks before BP returned to normal.
-Did your doctor advise you to not get pregnant again? No-just said I would need to be watched closer. Planning on doing a preconception visit if we decide to have another.
-Did you see MFM? Only for our ultrasounds
-Are you going to try for another baby?-Not sure just yet. I really want to experience a full term pregnancy-big belly and all (I was hardly showing when DS was born) but the whole experience scared the crap out of DH.
-If you've had another pregnancy, was it full term or closer to full term than the previous? Did you have pre-e the second time?
-If you had pre-e that resulted in your preemie, how early did you get it and how severe was it? I had high blood pressure very early this pregnancy around 13 weeks or so.
-Did you have high blood pressure prior to pregnancy? No. However, I did have it with my pregnancy with DS1.
-Do you have high blood pressure now? No
-Did your doctor advise you to not get pregnant again? We haven't discussed it yet.
-Did you see MFM?Yes
-Are you going to try for another baby? I would like to but feel like I shouldn't.
-If you've had another pregnancy, was it full term or closer to full term than the previous? Did you have pre-e the second time? I delivered DS1 at exactly 37 weeks, I was induced. I did have pre-e the 2nd time which resulted in my 28 week preemie.
-If you had pre-e that resulted in your preemie, how early did you get it and how severe was it? i got it at 30 weeks and delivered at 30 weeks 3vdays, it just got that severe that quickly
-Did you have high blood pressure prior to pregnancy? no
-Do you have high blood pressure now? no
-Did your doctor advise you to not get pregnant again? no, they said i could try again whwnever
-Did you see MFM? no
-Are you going to try for another baby? yes, we'd like 1 or 2 more
-If you've had another pregnancy, was it full term or closer to full term than the previous? Did you have pre-e the second time?
11.2011 - DS1
02.2013 - loss at 6 wks
06.2014 - DS2
10.2015 - loss at 12 wks
03.2017 - DD