I've posted about this once before, and I loved having validation for my favorite name, but DH still isn't crazy about it, and has finally submitted some names of his own into the fold, so I'm looking for honest opinions on names that I like(ish) or think could grow on me. So here are our submissions to each other... middle name will be Jonathan, and I'm not so worried about fn/mn flow, as they will be rarely said together... mostly fn/ln combos... our last name sounds like Ferrari. Also, we live in London, UK, and DH is British, so his perception on names is a little different than mine (American), thus the confusion...
Ezra (favorite, favorite - DH is worried that it may be seen as a girls name, it is more popular as a girls name here, but we won't be living here forever)
Elliot (I like this, but I feel like it's getting really popular, and I don't love it... all he can think of is ET, and I think it's slowly putting him off)
Ellis (I like this more and more, but I don't think he's sure about it now...)
Caleb (I like this for a nice normal, common name, but it's really popular in the states, and not at all here, and he doesn't quite get it)
Truman (The only name we had in common on our list, but I'm not 100% on it... just amazed that we had something in common, it would also sound great with our last name.)
Wow, thanks to those who made it through... I"m just trying to get a vibe from this list, because I'm not sure what I think (besides that I LOVE Ezra, but I have to be prepared to let it go...), and we're getting short on time. Thanks in advance! X
Re: Boy names...(Long, sorry...)
If your DH is worried that Ezra could be confused for a girl's name, he needs to be warned that Elliot and Ellis are both more popular for girls in the US than Ezra is. In 2010, there were 185 girls named Elliott (plus lots more named Eliot/Elliot/Elliotte, etc.), 149 girls named Ellis, and only 88 girls named Ezra. I think all three are great boys' names, but if he's worried about possible confusion, he should know that.
I like both Ezra and Ellis better than Truman, but if you both like Truman, I don't see much of a problem.
Baby Name Popularity by State
This. Sadly, very few boy names are immune from the unisex trend. How disappointing that Ezra is among this group; I LOVE it. Is the UK typically ahead of the curve on naming trends? If so, it could definitely pick up steam as a girl name in the U.S. Regardless, if DH has reservations (and he'll always be British no matter where you live), then Truman is probably the better way to go. You both have to love the name. Maybe use Ezra as the middle name?
It is a bummer that Ezra is more of a girl's name here (apparently it's a middle eastern trend). I know that DH's ethnicity won't change, I'm not concerned about that (and certainly wouldn't want to change it!), it is more about where we will be settled (though the boy-as-girl-name thing doesn't seem to be slowing down), I don't want to shout a name across a playground and have 5 other kids turn their heads, and he has said that he is up for persuading if I really love a name... he loves a good argument.
It took him a year to research our damn camera, but I told him that he doesn't have that long for this decision, so getting impartial feedback is great!
Thanks for the feedback though! (PS, Errol isn't a family name, I had seen it in a baby name book and just liked it)
I'm originally form the US and live in the UK too! It's hard to find names that work in both countries especially when it comes to pronunciation.
I've never come across a girl called Ezra and think of it as a boys name. I think of Ellis as being a unisex name.
Of all your names I like Truman, but mostly because you say it's the name the two of you agree on and that it sounds good with your surname. Surely that's a good compromise?!
Ezra and Ellis would be my picks. Because I know Ezra from the Bible, I would never think of it as a girl's name. That said, DH, who grew up without exposure to the Bible, first thought it was a girl's name. He only likes it as a boy's name, though.
I like Elliot, too, but it is too popular for my tastes, and I have seen it pop up as being used for girls, which is a huge no-no for me.
BFP #2 12/20/11 | EDD 8/24/12 | Natural M/C 12/22/11
BFP #3 5/13/12 (Mother's Day!) | EDD 1/23/13 | Natural M/C 6/9/12 (blighted ovum discovered 6/7/12 at 7w1d)
"And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus."
My Ovulation Chart | My Baby Name List
Love Elliot! Great choice! Errol is a close second, though. Makes me think of Errol Flynn, who is one of my favorite actors.
I love all your names. On his list, I don't like Elliot or Ellis because they've gone to the girls. I like Caleb, but it's too common for me.
I don't like Truman at all. I hate surnames for first names.
I like Elliot and Errol best. Errol is so uncommon and makes me think of Errol Flynn.
I like Truman and Ellis the least because I don't like non-family surnames for first names and IMO that is what those are.
As an American, I do perceive Ezra to be on the feminine side. Sorry.
I know other posters love it, though.
Ansel is really nice. Not a fan of Errol.
I am with you and your Dh on Elliott... it's a great, solid name and yet... yet... I dunno. It lacks something for me. And I too think ET.
Ellis... could grow on me. But it will sound very similar to the little Ellas running around.
Caleb is my favorite of your list, but in the U.S. it is fairly common. Still, it's a really great name, and there are other names far more popular.
Truman... is the last name of a U.S. president and also reminds me of the movie, "The Truman Show." (Also references Truman Capote). It doesn't do much for me, but I could see it being a nice, solid name and growing on me if I met a cute little boy with the name.