Late Term and Child Loss

To my wife:

I am a dad, or at least I was for a few hours.  My wife and I lost our first beautiful boy at 8 months.  He was delivered by emergency c-section but it was too late.  After only being alive for two days, we had to remove his life support and he passed away.  Nothing in life prepares you for this kind of event.  This happened just five weeks ago, so it is still very fresh in my mind.

My wife and I spent the next three weeks in a fog.  Then just as this fog was about to lift, his due date came last week.  We still haven't dealt with the nursery - it was ready to go.  We still have a hard time walking in there.  We still both wake up sometimes and think we had a bad dream.  Sometimes, she can still feel him kick.

I am really writing this today because I know my wife goes on this site a lot for support.  She read so much on this site every day of her pregnancy.  And now that we have lost our little boy, she reads the stories of others who have had similar losses and it helps her.

She still cries a little almost every day.  I know that as hard as this has been for me, it has been incomparably harder for her.  I wish there was something I could do to take away the pain.  I wish that there was some kind of magic I could do so that you wouldn't hurt anymore.  You are an amazingly strong woman.  I don't know how you've managed to hold it together as well as you have.  I know I've told you this before, but we will get through this and we will be stronger for it.  I really admire your outlook on life, your courage and your spirit.  It may be wounded, but it is by no means broken.

I just want you to know that not a moment goes by that I am not thinking about you.  Even though I have to spend my days working and not being with you, every moment of every day, my heart is with you.  As it was in the beginning when we met and when we got married, my heart beats for you - and it always will.  

One day, the pain will fade - but we will never stop loving our son.  Though his life was cut short, he brought us 8 months of love and hope and joy.  We owe it to him to remember that.  Who knows what the next steps of our lives will bring, but I will be there with you, through the joy and pain.  You can count on that.

If you are reading this, I know that you probably have a box of tissues next to you and that you are using them, because these days you always have them close by - especially when you are reading loss stories on this site. I hope these words find you by surprise and at least bring a little smile to your face.  I love you so much and I always will.

- Your faithful husband. 

Re: To my wife:

  • I am not your wife, but I have a box of tissues too!  I am so sorry for your loss, but I am so glad that you have a strong marriage to love and support each other through this journey.  Best wishes!

    My angel Avery- 2/16/12, My rainbow Blake= 3/4/13, Joyfully awaiting #3 5/11/15
  • That was simply beautiful.  You sound like an amazing man and husband.  Wishing both you and your wife peace and love.


    In memory of Corbin Scott 10/28/11-12/3/11. Heaven got another angel the night you left this world behind Heaven got a little better the day it took you away from me Missing you tonight, see you again sometime For now I'll close my eyes and dream of heaven tonight I'll love you forever I'll like you for always Now and Forever My baby you'll be

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers







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  • What an absolutely beautiful letter. I hope that you and your wife stay strong.

    BFP #1 12.24.07 - DD born @ 39w1d on 08.26.08
    BFP #2 08.04.11 - DD born still @ 37w3d on 03.25.12

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


    TTC #3 since May 2012

    BFP #3 12.29.12 - CP @ 4w2d on 01.02.13
    BFP #4 10.17.13 - CP @ 4w2d on 10.23.13

    BFP #5 04.06.14 - MMC 05.07.14

    No longer trying to conceive.

    image     image

  • I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for the love and support you are giving your wife.

      Our Angel Patricia born sleeping 3/30/12 at 31 weeks
    Our Fighter Anna born early 1/8/13 at 26 weeks
    Hoping to bring home #3 due 9/9/15
  • I am so sorry for your loss.  I too have my box of tissues reading this. I hope and pray that the two of you continue to be strong for each other. 

    This was just beautiful.

     Our baby boy,Logan, was born still at 19w3d on 7/1/2011
    Our 2nd baby boy, Mason, was born still at 20w3d on 1/31/2012

     After a much needed sanity break... we are praying for our rainbows

    ((BFP 7/29/13))  ((EDD 4/12/14))  It's BOY/GIRL twins!!!

  • Will you please be my husband because that was so amazingly sweet. Whomever your wife is, she is very lucky to have you.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • You define what a husband is about in my eyes. Major coodos to you... I too have tears in my eyes. Your wife is equally lucky to have you in her life as she is to have your son. 

    So sorry for both your losses and please know this site will offer her the support, compassion, validation, empathy and sympathy that she undoubtably needs and deserves.  

  • I had to grab some tissues too. That was wonderfully sweet. I'm so sorry for your loss, but glad you and your wife have each other through this.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm very sorry for you loss.  This letter was beyond beautiful.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    TTC #1 Since June 2011
    BFP #1 2/25/12 EDD 11/3/12 - BO 3/14/12 D&C 03/23/12
    BFP #2 9/30/12 EDD 6/10/13 DOB 5/20/13
    My Ovulation Chart
    *PgAL/PAL Welcome*

  • I am so sorry for your loss.  You are just as amazing as your wife. 

    And yes I too am sitting here in tears.  YOu tow are so lucky to have one another and this was awesome of you. 

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • This is simply beautiful! So touching.

    And yes, you will get through this, impossible though it may seem. But you will never be the same, that much is true. 

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • This is amazing. 
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • pb127pb127 member
    Absolutely beautiful. Lots of love to you and your wife... and remember, you ARE a Dad. ((HUGS))
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    ? to Loss+M/PL+TTCAL+PgAL+PAL

    PgAL/PAL welcome
  • Thank you for sharing.  You are a special person.  Make sure your words reach her.  Maybe you can send her a card.  It probably won't hurt for her to see them more than once.  :-)
  • This is beautiful.  There are no words to describe how much it means to us ladies to hear those words of support from our husbands.  Much love to both you and your wife.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


  • You are a wonderful husband to have posted this to your wife. I am so sorry for your loss. Someone sent me this poem for my DH after our loss and I would like to share it with you.

      It must be very difficult

    To be a man in grief,

    Since "men don't cry"

    and "men are strong" No tears can bring relief. It must be very difficult To stand up to the test, And field the calls and visitors So she can get some rest. They always ask if she's all right And what she's going through. But seldom take his hand and ask, "My friend, but how are you?" He hears her crying in the night And thinks his heart will break. He dries her tears and comforts her, But "stays strong" for her sake. It must be very difficult To start each day anew. And try to be so very brave-He lost his baby too.  

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers


  • Wow you are imagining husband! It shows how strong you are together! I will say that it is important to be there for each other bc this new journey you are is like a rollercoaster. You both will have your ups and downs. I am truely sorry you have to be here and your loss but know that the ladies here are the greatest support system.

    BFP#1 9/7/11 EDD 7/23/11 mc @21 weeks caused severe bladder obstruction on 3/14/12
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    BFP #2 9/9/12 EDD 7/19/13 started to mc @ 8w1d on 12/7/12 ended up with d&c 12/18/12, stopped developing @5w5ds

    Unexplained IF
    BFP#3 3/3/14 After 1st iui and clomid cycle
    beta 1: 137 beta 2: 268
    Beta 3:1248
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    ****Hoping for a rainbow baby!!!****
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  • Oh... My... Goodness....

    I'm bawling! This is the sweetest thing I've seen in a really really long time!

    You sound like such a good husband and father....

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  • First, I just want to say how truly sorry I am for the loss of your precious baby boy. This letter was just absolutely beautiful and both you and your wife are so amazing and have a wonderful relationship. The pain is indescribable, but the days will become less painful at some point. I will have you, your wife and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • CaroleeCarolee member
    I am so sorry for the loss of your precious son.  This is beautifully written - you are a wonderful husband and father.
    Mom to Eliott Alexander, born sleeping at 37 weeks on 8/13/10. Most of us only dream of angels - I held one in my arms.
    BFP #2 - EDD 2/26/12 M/C 6/28/11 @ 5w2d
    BFP #3 - EDD 4/7/12 M/C 8/2/11 @ 4w2d
    Too beautiful for this earth
    BFP #4 - EDD 12/09/12, Lucille arrived 11/26/12
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