Cloth Diapering

How well do you spray?

I feel like it takes forever to spray diapers and keep thinking that it is because I try to get it all off I can and when the diapers have been in a bag from day care it isn't easy.  So I just want to know how clean you get your diapers. FYI My LO has peanut butter poop most the time, and I have a front loader with a pre-wash and then normal cycle that I use.  Thanks!

Also any tips to avoid back spray appreciated!

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Re: How well do you spray?

  • I probably spray more than I need to. I'm a little OCD. However, my LO doesn't have a lot of patience for that, so I do what I can. 
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  • I was actually just thinking about this today as I cursed to myself spraying down a diaper and trying not to puke (spraying poop in first tri is no fun!)  I wonder if I'm just really OCD or if everyone does the same thing.  My LO alternates between ploppable and PB poop.  I will even spray the ploppable poops, but the PB poop diapers can take me a while to deal with.  We have a cabinet filled with baby safe stuff in the bathroom that my LO plays with while I'm spraying. 
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  • I get all the chunks off, and if the screaming from the bottom of the steps isn't too terrible, I'll get as much as he'll let me before the temper flies that I shut the baby gate.  :) 



  • TwirpleTwirple member
    I don't actually spray my diapers.  I use an old spatula to scrape them instead.  I get off any pieces, but they're definitely not clean when they go into the wet bag.
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  • I try to spray 90-100 % of it off, and to my benefit my staining has been VERY LIMITED.  Occassionally there is a streak or two I'm just 'done with" and I spray that tiny bit with a mix of Bac-out and water 50/50.  I do leave the diaper saturated when I put it in the wet bag.  I think keeping the stain wet makes it easier to remove in the wash.
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  • doxgirldoxgirl member
    I spray them clean, but it doesn't seem to take very long at all. 
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  • I make sure the pieces are off, but not necessarily the color.
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