
low progesterone - freaking out.

We saw two heartbeats on Monday but couldn't get a number, as I was JUST hitting 6w. My OB called today and my progesterone is low. She said it's at an 8 and should be at a 15. Now I'm in a complete hysterical panic. Can anyone shed some light on this? She said that the slight cramping I was having on Sunday could have been due to that and they're starting me on it right away. Any encouragement would be great. :-(
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Re: low progesterone - freaking out.

  • I was constantly trying to get my levels super high, like yours at 8, to be honest.  I did vaginal supplements and shots and it worked!   It also worked on my daughter.  Fingers crossed for you!


    Ak!  Sorry!  And congratulatins on the twins, sorry, pregnancy brain :) 


    Our Twin Baby + a Big Girl Blog

    And with the delivery trifecra of one twin vaginal, one c-section with general anesthesia for twin B, Spencer and Sidney joined us at 35 weeks exactly on June 18.

  • poomanpooman member

    I always have very low progesterone.  With my DD's pregnancy even with the PIO shots it came back at a 12.  So we increased the dose.  

    This time even with twins I had to stay on PIO shots, suppositiores and pills til just this week.

    THat stuff does it's job and does it quickly.  Please try not to worry.  You caught it and you'll fix it very fast. 

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  • I was on a medicated cycle and mine was only 9, if I recall. I did PIO which gave me migraines, then switched to suppositories until about 11 weeks and everything turned out fine.
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  • I was told P4 needed to be above 20 for medicated cycles.  

    There are shots, vaginal supplements, and oral pills.  They work really fast, so your dr. should recheck your P4 in a few days to see if it is working.  I would ask for the shots and the vaginal supps to give it a double whammy and get you back on track.

    A friend of mine (singleton) had a low P4 around 8-9 around 7 weeks.  I actually gave her her first P4 shot (her hubby was out of town) the day after the test result. She has a beautiful baby girl today.   

    Good luck.  

    TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages. Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011. VOTE on my Name List Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have always had boarderline progesterone. I was prescribed progesterone suppositores until I am 12 weeks.
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  • Don't panic yet! Mine was 6 point something (6.3 or 6.7, I think...) on the day I got my positive beta. And that was while ON supplements and having had it measured at more than 40 when I did ER or ET (I can't remember which...). They doubled my supplements (supositories). While my levels were never in a great range, they did go up, and obviously it was enough, as my boys are here.

    Crossing my fingers for you.

    TTC for 3 years. Finally successful after 5 IUIs and 2 cycles of IVF. Our amazing twins were born 5 weeks early on 8/16/11. Found out April 2012 that our di/di twins are ID.

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  • Mine was very low with both pregnancies (3.1 and 8) and I have 3 beautiful, perfect children. You caught it early and should be fine! 
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