Has anyone experienced a C-Section after the diagnosis of placenta previa?
I was diagnosed with placenta previa at 18w4d and now continue to have placenta previa at 24w2d. I will have an ultrasound at 28 weeks to monitor the current status. I have alot of concerns regarding the location of my placenta and the complications that surround it.
Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions from EXPERIENCE you'd like to share?
Re: C-Section Due to Placenta Previa
I had complete placenta previa with my daughter. It was diagnosed at my anatomy scan at 18 weeks. I was immediatly put on pelvic rest and told not to lift anything over 15lbs. I was put on bedrest at 31 weeks after a bleeding incident and being in the hospital for 3 days. My dr scheduled a c section for 39w3d but I actually had her at exactly 36weeks. I lost more blood than normal, but not enough to require a transfusion, I just needed iron pills. I was pretty nervous about the whole situation, but DD was perfect.
Good luck to you and I hope that your placenta moves. Most do, I just happened to be in the very small percentage that don't.
I had complete placenta previa with my daughter at 20 weeks. I was on complete pelvic rest up until she was born. It moved slightly but not completely out of the way. I had a scheduled c-section at 37 weeks. I had no bleeding at all the entire pregnancy. She was born with no complications. Same as the previous poster, I had extra bleeding during the surgery and had low iron for a while but I was fine.
I am now pregnant with my second and found out that I have complete placenta previa again at the 20 week ultrasound. I have had no bleeding so far (knock on wood). I am on pelvic rest again and have a follow up ultrasound at 28 weeks.
I'm waiting on bedrest in the hospital for a c-section because of placenta previa. It was discovered at 12 weeks, confirmed at 20, then followed up at 26, with a bleed at 30. Was put in hospital for 2 days, allowed to go home on a modified bedrest (basically I could go sit on the couch, get up to eat, etc., even go work at my office SITTING ONLY for a couple hours a day). Had another bleed at 33 1/2 weeks, now admitted to hospital until delivery. Originally, Doc scheduled C-section for 39 weeks. After first bleed, moved it up to 37 weeks 3 days, based on a medical study that says with previa, it is safer to go in the 37th then to wait until 39 (risk would go up for water break, bleeds, cervical dialation that would cause hemmorhage, etc.) Because of this they moved the c-section to May 21, when I am 36 weeks. In my case, the placenta is anterior (on the front of my abdomen), so they are going to have to cut through the placenta during the c-section. They did an U/S to check the cord placement to make sure it inserts high enough up into the placenta so that it will not accidentally be cut during the initial incision. Obviously these are not idea conditions for a c-section, but I guess it is what it is!
Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy and c-section!