Cloth Diapering

NB stash?

I have 15 one size pockets that start fitting from 4kg (8.8lbs). I use them on my toddler who I'm assuming for the purposes of this question will be PT by the time LO#2 comes. She only uses about 5 a day, and I can't remember how many sposies she used when she was a NB.

I found another one size pocket I like it fits from 3kg (6.5lbs) so I'm going to buy those this time around. DD was 7 lbs 1oz at birth and only went down to 6lbs 13 oz for a day or so.

Do you think I should buy 20 or so of the one size that fit smaller, since I will have my other 15 diapers to use once the LO fits into them (that would be 35 diapers)? Should I get some prefolds and covers too? How many?

I do laundry every other day.

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Re: NB stash?

  • I wouldn't cut it that close. I'd just wait until baby gets here, or get prefolds/ newborn specific diapers.
  • I wouldn't buy 20 of any diaper before I had tried them (unless I got an awesome deal used).  You just never know if you will like them, or if they will fit your LO well.

    A stash of 35 diapers should be fine.  I really liked PFs and covers for the NB stage because you have to change them every 10 seconds, and sometimes I went through 3 PFs during a single diaper change.  But my LO was/is an epic pooper. 

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  • kenna_4kenna_4 member

    I have tried them (on DD) a friend let me borrow a few. It won't be 35 diapers right off the bat if I have a similar sized LO because the 15 DD wears now don't start fitting until 8.8lbs. I think I'll get about 15 prefolds, to even things out.

    *IF* DD isn't PT by then, then I'll be buying a whole bunch more !

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  • The weight sizing on OS diapers isn't always accurate.  I had OS flips that claimed they could fit on him at 8lbs, but he was 8lb 7oz and didn't fit in them until he was 10lbs.  Newborns have skinny little legs that don't fit in a lot of OS diapers.  I'd recommend spending the money on newborn prefolds and covers or newborn sized diapers.  I'm still using the newborn prefolds on my 3 month old, so they really do last a while.
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  • kenna_4kenna_4 member

    The weight sizing on OS diapers isn't always accurate.  I had OS flips that claimed they could fit on him at 8lbs, but he was 8lb 7oz and didn't fit in them until he was 10lbs.  Newborns have skinny little legs that don't fit in a lot of OS diapers.  I'd recommend spending the money on newborn prefolds and covers or newborn sized diapers.  I'm still using the newborn prefolds on my 3 month old, so they really do last a while.

    Thanks - good point! I think prefolds will be the way to go!

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