I have 15 one size pockets that start fitting from 4kg (8.8lbs). I use them on my toddler who I'm assuming for the purposes of this question will be PT by the time LO#2 comes. She only uses about 5 a day, and I can't remember how many sposies she used when she was a NB.
I found another one size pocket I like it fits from 3kg (6.5lbs) so I'm going to buy those this time around. DD was 7 lbs 1oz at birth and only went down to 6lbs 13 oz for a day or so.
Do you think I should buy 20 or so of the one size that fit smaller, since I will have my other 15 diapers to use once the LO fits into them (that would be 35 diapers)? Should I get some prefolds and covers too? How many?
I do laundry every other day.
Re: NB stash?
I wouldn't buy 20 of any diaper before I had tried them (unless I got an awesome deal used). You just never know if you will like them, or if they will fit your LO well.
A stash of 35 diapers should be fine. I really liked PFs and covers for the NB stage because you have to change them every 10 seconds, and sometimes I went through 3 PFs during a single diaper change. But my LO was/is an epic pooper.
I have tried them (on DD) a friend let me borrow a few. It won't be 35 diapers right off the bat if I have a similar sized LO because the 15 DD wears now don't start fitting until 8.8lbs. I think I'll get about 15 prefolds, to even things out.
*IF* DD isn't PT by then, then I'll be buying a whole bunch more !
Thanks - good point! I think prefolds will be the way to go!