I finally got my husband to talk about names last night (we're not expecting, or even trying, but I love talking about names and gauging his reactions) and one girl name he liked was Tabitha.
I like it a lot, too, and it sounds good with our last name (one syllable). I was just wondering what the board thought, and if there's a certain connotation that most people have with it?
(P.S. For a boy, he liked Ryder. I'm gonna have to work with him on that!)
Re: Tabitha?
I really like it ? it has the colonial-era charm of Abigail or Hannah, but is much less common.
One caveat ? Tabitha is one of the names that Freakonomics notes as a low-education name. Also, people of our parents' generation are generally familiar with it from Bewitched and its spinoff.
Also, I really don't like Tabby/Tabbi.
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I really like Tabitha, but like previous poster said you have to think about nicknames like Tabby and I don't care for that.
We named our daughter Cecilia and everyone calls her Cici (which I hate!).
Haha, maybe I'm in the minority, but I like the nickname Tabby! I think it's cute, like Kitty for Katherine. Thanks for all the responses so far, ladies!
BFP#1 10 wk missed mc
BFP#2 DS born at 40+2 on 8/14/12 BFP#3 DD Born at 39+3 on 5/13/14
Love it!
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
Tabitha is my DD's name, and there's a funny story that goes along with it.
Much like your story, my DH chose the name. Well before we had kids, he casually mentioned that "if we ever have a girl, I'd like to name her Tabitha." At the time, I agreed without really thinking much about it, since we weren't even close to trying for kids.
Years later when I was pregnant, and we were ready to discuss names, he reminded me that we had already agreed on the girl name, which I had totally forgotten. When it came time to think of an actual child being named Tabitha, I had to face the fact that I DID NOT love the name. I felt like it was too weird and too connected with the TV character. My husband, who also has an unusual name that happens to be in the title of a really, really famous movie, wasn't particularly worried about these issues. He had always thought the name Tabitha was super cute.
When we announced the name, we got plenty of pushback from friends and family. I was worried! People were going to hate my kid's name!
But once our DD was born, and the name was no longer a hypothetical, but a real baby's name, those same nay-sayers came around to it. My child is, unarguably, as 100% "Tabitha" as you can be. It's the perfect name for her, and we've gotten zillions of compliments on it over the years.
We never call her "Tabby." Her nickname, when we use one, is "Tab" or "Tabs."
Tee hee. It was the first thing that came to mind. I really do like it!
A little OT, but does anyone remember how this character got her name? It was because Endora, Samantha's mother, wanted it. They had some other name picked out, and Endora said "all right, name her what you want. Whatever you call her...........I shall call her Tabitha". LOL
I have no idea why I remember that but, anyway, I love the name.