Health & Exercise

in 3rd tri and getting back to the gym

for the past month and some I stopped going to the gym cus we bought a house/moved and such.  I had my glucose test yesterday- not sure if I passed yet so it scared me into buying healthier foods and getting my gym clothes together. 

Though I know it will be a slow walk on the TM- hey anything is better then nothing (and might as well Im paying for the membership!) 

Re: in 3rd tri and getting back to the gym

  • I'm in the same boat.  We just moved and I haven't worked out in like 6 weeks.  But we just bought an elliptical, so I'm excited to get up tomorrow morning to start working out again.
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  • I hear ya!  I've been on a bit of workout hiatus myself and feeling badly about it...but I'm back at it this week!
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  • The only thing I've been doing lastely is taking the dog out, granted we go on rather legnthy walks. I've been SO BUSY with my stepson and getting baby things taken care of that I've let my other workouts go by the wayside. Worked out yesterday though and boy did I feel great after!!
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