
at my wits end with my recovery

I am 13 weeks pp and this is my 2nd c-section. I stopped bleeding at 2 weeks but I will still spot randomly even though I am on the mini pill and BF. I am still really tender around my incision and my uterus is tender and I get crampy often. I have been on two different anitbiotics, my Dr said my incision looks as it should she had bloodwork done to rule out any infection and I have had an ultra sound to make sure that there is no lining left over. I started spotting again the other day and it was more than usual so I called my Dr, they said it could be my period and if after two weeks I still have spotting and soreness to set up another appointment. At this point I really dont know what more can be done to find out what the problem is but Im sick of spotting for no reason and having pain on a daily basis. Anyone else have these type of problems this far out from a c/s?

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