Is it possible to rear face a Diono radian (either 120 or RXT) behind the driver?
If you have done it, what vehicle to you have?
We need to rent a vehicle for vacation, and I don't know how big of a car/SUV we need to put 2 RF Radians. I tried, but can't find the answer and can't post over there yet. We have an Odyssey, and I am planning on putting all 3 in the 3rd row and taking out the captains chairs. Thanks!
Re: Rear facing Radian behind driver?
Have you looked at this blog? It is very comprehensive on installs and "best" seats for the Odyssey.
ETA: you can post as a guest on, and they will respond.
ETA again: this post on states that they have a RF Radian/Diono behind the driver.
Thank you! Those are both very helpful. I didn't know I could post as a guest. It said to register in order to post, but then you have to wait until your account gets approved before you can post.
I'm a little less worried about them fitting in the odyssey since we have the 3rd row, but didn't know if I could fit one RF in an SUV if we rent one. I know they take up a lot of room when RF. I guess we could always upgrade to a minivan or larger vehicle when we get there, but I like to plan ahead.
We have 2 RF'ing in our Prius. DH is only 5'10" and he says it's closer to the steering wheel than he'd like but he hasn't complained.