
When can we begin to feed on demand?

At what point were you able/did you leave the feeding schedule of every three hours as instructed by the NICU doctors and feed on demand? I am really looking forward to feeding on demand at night! Our LOs were born at almost 33 weeks and spent 19 days in the NICU. They have been home for one week now and are doing great gaining weight. I hate having to wake sleeping babies all night long and am hoping to get a possible end in sight through everyone elses experiences.
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Re: When can we begin to feed on demand?

  • Pips09Pips09 member
    It's really going to depend on each baby (growth, weight, etc). We came home from the hospital at 35 weeks GA, and were surprised that they told us we could feed on demand at that point. We just had to make sure she didn't go more than 4 hours. This was never a problem, as she woke up every 3 to eat well after they told us we could let her sleep as long as she wanted.
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    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

  • We pretty much started that as soon as we came home, following the rule of don't let him go longer than four hours without eating during the night. He still tends to wake up during the night when he's hungry before the four hours are up. I don't know how long before we can give up the don't-go-longer-than-four-hours thing... I'm going to ask his pediatrician about that on Monday.
    Julia ~ six miscarriages ~ our sweet miracle baby, Jack, due 5/3/12, was born at 29w1d on February 17, 2012, weighing 2 pounds 8 ounces Lilypie Premature Baby tickers BabyFetus Ticker
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  • We started as soon as our pedi ok'd it.  With Ryan it was a week after he came home, with Aiden it was two or three weeks after he came home.

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  • When Caroline left the NICU at 14 days old she pretty much stopped eating on three hour schedule that the NICU but her on. She basically eats every three to four hours but definitely not on the NICU schedule. If your pedi is happy with their weight gain I would let them sleep a little longer. They will wake when they are hungry. 



  • He started feeding on demand/ad lib in NICU - it was one of the things they liked to establish before discharge. I don't see why you can't just go for it unless your pedi has instructed you otherwise. Maybe call? I know some preemie parents like to keep the schedule of NICU and even FT/non-NICU parents like to do scheduled feedings, but if that isn't your thing...doesn't have to be.
  • HEmeryHEmery member
    He's a gut baby so we had to get the ok from the dietician and GI doctor.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • My little one was born 35 weeks, and spent 2 weeks in the NICU. Probably the first two weeks home we kept to the 3 hour schedule but once he got breast feeding down we transitioned to on demand.  I am sure it is different with every baby but that it when it happened for us!
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