September 2012 Moms


Just for fun -

They're taking all the channels away from except the basic, local channels (2,3 & 8).  Your cable/TV company is letting you keep only ONE other channel.  Which one would you pick & why?

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  • skyejoskyejo member
    Ohhh, that's a tough one.  I wuuld probably pick HGTV.  Even though we bought our house 4 years ago I still love watching Property Virgins and House Hunters.  E! would be a close second so that I can get my fix of girly shows.
  • I would pick ESPN. We got rid of cable and the only channel miss is ESPN so that is an easy choice.

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  • hmp1hmp1 member

    I would pick HGTV.

    DH would probably pick either Fuel or AMC. 

    James Sawyer 12.3.10
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  • kjskjskjskjs member

    Oh I would cry, no doubt. I am a tv junkie. I think I would keep either ABC family or CW

  • AMC- no doubt about it. I love everything AMC.

    Elizabeth Grace 11.20.05 Nora June 7.15.08 Beatrix Catherine 9.4.12
  • ID (Investigation Discovery).  I'm completely addicted.  Every time I turn on the TV, DH asks, "Are you watching murder again?"
  • oh for sure ABC Family

    except well can i keep the internet........ HULU!!

    and if thats the case totally ESPN to keep the DH happy!!!!

  • Well considering local channels are all different (i.e. in Philly it's 3-CBS, 6-ABC, & 10-NBC) I'm assuming these are the 3 channels you mean. ;)

    I'd pick HGTV for sure.  Oh, or Comcast Sportsnet (to watch the Phillies/Flyers/Eagles, etc.)


    Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

  • Bravo.  I'm a sucker for the RH and Bethenny.
  • We only have the basic channels, I think. We watch our tv online. However, assuming they are only going to let me keep one website, I'd keep because of Parks and Rec and The Voice. The only other show I watch is HIMYM, so I wouldn't be missing much. 


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  • imagekellelle01:
    Bravo.  I'm a sucker for the RH and Bethenny.

    Agreed on Bravo. I have to have my RHs and other mind-numbing reality shows Wink DH would pick the DIY channel...dear lord do I hate all of those shows. 

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  • If we get to keep ABC, then truTV is my pick.

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  • I think I would have to go with Bravo too... can't live without my RH's!  TLC would be a close second though.
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  • If I were picking, Bravo. If DH was picking, ESPN. If it came to a dual, ESPN would win.
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  • jbBeansjbBeans member
    HGTV. I already watch HBO, etc shows on the internet now anyway, otherwise I'd probably want that. 
  • This is a really tough choice because I love a show or two from different channels! I would miss DIY, the cooking channel, Discovery, and National Geographic.  I would pick FX because both my BF and I like shows on that channel.
  • imageBookelly:
    ID (Investigation Discovery).  I'm completely addicted.  Every time I turn on the TV, DH asks, "Are you watching murder again?"
    lol this is MH. He loves watching all murder cases. I avoid all sad situations - give me HGTV I'll be happy.
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  • I would pick BRAVO because I love pointless television programs...especially ones involving screaming, yelling and table flipping.  It makes me feel better about myself.
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  • I'd pick Disney to keep the kiddos happy.  lol  I don't watch much cable, just the main networks.  Although DH would be mad I didn't keep History or the military channel.
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