Health & Exercise

Any hope for body after 2 c-sections?

I feel so discouraged. I had my two (large) babies close together, with my last baby weighing almost 10 lbs. I gained around 45-50 pounds with him, which I've mostly lost, but I have about 15-20 lbs to lose to be at my target weight. I'm 5'3" and 148 lbs now, and while it's not awful, I just feel disgusting. I have that post c-section pooch, stretch marks, world's flabbiest stomach-- I feel like I'll never ever wear a bathing suit again. All I hear is that the only way to a good body is a tummy tuck, and ugh, I don't want to have to do that.

I'm breastfeeding which I also feel like puts me at a disadvantage, I can't fully focus on weight loss without worrying about my supply. I want to quit nursing, but my baby won't take a bottle period. I've been eating really clean, working out 3 times a week, and haven't lost a pound in a month. It feels hopeless and I'm so discouraged.

Anyone provide any words of encouragement?

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Re: Any hope for body after 2 c-sections?

  • Don't give up!! I can only imagine how stressful it is!!  Are you being sure to drink plenty of water? Not drinking enough can actually make you retain.
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  • imagecmosley26:
    Don't give up!! I can only imagine how stressful it is!!  Are you being sure to drink plenty of water? Not drinking enough can actually make you retain.

    I actually do think this is the one area I'm not doing enough at-- esp since I am BFing. Thanks for the reminder, I need to step up the water intake.

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  • Don't get discouraged - it hasn't even been 5 months since your baby was born. Definitely give yourself some time.

    I didn't have c-sections, but I did have about 20lbs to lose after having DS. The weight didn't go anywhere that first year, but I was nursing and wasn't 100% trying to lose the weight (beyond working out). I got serious when he was around 15 months and joined sparkpeople to start tracking my calories. I lost the weight in about 5 months and have kept it off for 2 years.

    I also do have a good friend who has had 2 c-sections. And with at least her first pregnancy she gained ~55 lbs. She did weight watchers after her youngest turned a year, and looks absolutely amazing. You look at her and think there is no way she's had two kids.


  • I'm about 30 lbs lighter than I was before I got KU'd with DS2 (had him when DS1 was 19mos).  I still have about 20 lbs to go until I'm at MY ideal weight.  

    That being said, while I look better, my body is absolutely wrecked.  I don't have any hopes of it ever looking "good" again.  I'm happy with my progress, but I'm not done.

    Because my boys were large and I had polyhydramnios with swelling, my stretch marks are everywhere, I have so much extra skin all over and I got Diastasis Recti with a hernia.  There's no hope for my midsection without surgical intervention.

    I don't care enough to go under the knife for it, so I'll deal.  

    I know it's probably not what you wanted to hear, but I'm only 8 1/2 months out, so maybe I'm wrong and there's still hope for us yet.  I'm just not holding my breath!! :) 

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  • My SIL had 4 c/s in 6 years, gained 40 lbs each time, BF'd each of the kids, and is still smokin' hot.  Wink  It took her longer to lose the weight than she liked, but she stayed strong and was consistent with weight watchers (try it on-line if you can't go to meetings).  They have a program specifically for nursing mothers.  Her height and weight is similar to yours.  I think she's down in the 130s now (1 year pp with #4).  Hang in there!!!
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  • 2-Step2-Step member

    I had two c-sections with 9 lb boys and I'm still working at it too! Don't get discouraged. I had an easier time losing it the first time around and BFing actually really helped me lose weight. This time I'm struggling to lose that last 10 pounds, but I know if I step it up it will happen. I was lucky not to get stretch marks, but I've been able to get my stomach back into pretty good shape with toning - Jillian Michaels etc. Don't give up hope. I know plenty of mamas who have had multiple c-sections and 50+ pounds gained and they are hot! It really hasn't been that long and your body has been through a lot the past few years. Give it time and I bet you'll see changes.

    One thing that really works for me is to do a full month of serious workouts/eating clean, workout everyday, no simple sugars and no alcohol. I can usually drop a good 10 pounds and then be on maintenance after that. If I just slowly workout 2-3x a week and eat well I don't see enough progress to keep me motivated. Might be something to try if you can get up the energy to just go for it!

  • While breastfeeding the only things I would cut out completely are carbs and sugar -- I lost 8 lbs in one week when I did this -- it's tough to fight the cravings but if you are serious about losing weight, I swear it will come off and fast. 

    Another idea is to start reading up on how controversial wheat really is -- It blew my mind away when I read the book WHEAT BELLY -- I will never eat wheat based products like I once did again. Finally, if you are serious about an extreme measure like a tummy tuck, before you do that I would recommend researching the HCG diet with injections. It has transformed my life and my body post 2 c-sections. You cannot start the diet until after nursing though. My OB gave me the script for the hormone injections. I researched it for about 3 months and decided it was the right diet for me post baby. A book to read on it is POUNDS & INCHES by Linda Prinster.

    Good luck, just remember you are only 3 months out, it takes 9 to gain and 9 to lose. :)  

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  • Thanks ladies-- I really appreciate the stories and tips, and most of all the encouragement. It makes me feel better that I'm not alone, and that there does seem to be hope.

    I need to do better with cutting out the sugar and lay off the carbs a bit. And alcohol is my downfall, I don't drink much because I'm nursing, but I do have 1-2 drinks a night.

    If anyone else wants/needs inspiration, I found this website that has a lot of transformation stories. There's a section for all female transformations, and many have had kids. It's great seeing how they did it and what they eat. 

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  • I'm in the same boat; my two older kids were both over 9 lbs, and my third was almost 8 lbs. I still have the ''flap of skin'' that hangs over my belly; sucky. I would advise you though to be careful and actually track your calories. I was really upset because I wasn't losing any weight (I have 20 lbs to get back to pre-pregnancy weight...) so I started tracking and realized that for some reason I was only eating 900-1000 calories a day. I think it was because I was super busy and because I was eating lots of protein. Once I upped my calories to around 1500 I started to lose again. Just something to be aware of because I didn't think I would ever have to EAT more to lose. :-)

    I don't think my shelf of skin is ever going anywhere unless its a tummy tuck but I'd rather just never wear a two piece again. Even if I didn't have the shelf I still wouldn't wear a two piece because of the stretch marks... (sigh) Pregnancy was not my friend...

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  • And you sound just like me. I'm 5'4 and 154 right now. It suuuuuuuuuuuucks!!! I hate my body right now. UGH. I also gained 50 lbs with each pregnancy. As a note though; before this last pregnancy I worked out a ton, ate super clean and allllllllmost got a flat stomach back. There was always a little bit of fat/pouch by my belly but it was looking pretty damn good before I got pregnant. And I hate hate hate it when people say this but nine months on, nine months off. And if it makes you feel any better- with both of my previous kids I didn't really start losing weight until around 4-6 month time frame. I think before then your body is still trying to regulate supply, make sure it has enough milk, etc. You definitely aren't alone. I was wailing to DH that I wish that they would offer a c-section where they just go in, get out the baby, then suction the fat out and do a tummy tuck right there and then...
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  • imagesoveryexcited:
    And you sound just like me. I'm 5'4 and 154 right now. It suuuuuuuuuuuucks!!! I hate my body right now. UGH. I also gained 50 lbs with each pregnancy. As a note though; before this last pregnancy I worked out a ton, ate super clean and allllllllmost got a flat stomach back. There was always a little bit of fat/pouch by my belly but it was looking pretty damn good before I got pregnant. And I hate hate hate it when people say this but nine months on, nine months off. And if it makes you feel any better- with both of my previous kids I didn't really start losing weight until around 4-6 month time frame. I think before then your body is still trying to regulate supply, make sure it has enough milk, etc. You definitely aren't alone. I was wailing to DH that I wish that they would offer a c-section where they just go in, get out the baby, then suction the fat out and do a tummy tuck right there and then...

    Thanks for sharing, this makes me feel less alone! Ugh, today I feel especially fat. I know I should probably use a calorie counter, that's a good idea. I'm trying not to think about the fact that I probably really have 30 lbs to lose (my ideal weight is probably about 118). Sigh.

    I hope it gets easier, for all of us!  

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  • I know I only have one baby (and one on the way), but I will say that I felt like I turned a real corner after 6 months. It does take time, don't get too down on yourself.


    I will say, I agree with you 100000% about BFing putting you at a disadvantage. I think the whole "Breastfeed to lose weight" thing is the most irritating comment in the whole world. I felt like you. I wanted to run (far and long) and watch what I ate, but I had to worry about my supply taking a hit AND the hour long, 6-7 mile runs were out of the question with a newborn's erratic eating schedule, irritated nipples, and full, sore breasts. So frustrating!

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