I feel so discouraged. I had my two (large) babies close together, with my last baby weighing almost 10 lbs. I gained around 45-50 pounds with him, which I've mostly lost, but I have about 15-20 lbs to lose to be at my target weight. I'm 5'3" and 148 lbs now, and while it's not awful, I just feel disgusting. I have that post c-section pooch, stretch marks, world's flabbiest stomach-- I feel like I'll never ever wear a bathing suit again. All I hear is that the only way to a good body is a tummy tuck, and ugh, I don't want to have to do that.
I'm breastfeeding which I also feel like puts me at a disadvantage, I can't fully focus on weight loss without worrying about my supply. I want to quit nursing, but my baby won't take a bottle period. I've been eating really clean, working out 3 times a week, and haven't lost a pound in a month. It feels hopeless and I'm so discouraged.
Anyone provide any words of encouragement?
Re: Any hope for body after 2 c-sections?
I actually do think this is the one area I'm not doing enough at-- esp since I am BFing. Thanks for the reminder, I need to step up the water intake.
Don't get discouraged - it hasn't even been 5 months since your baby was born. Definitely give yourself some time.
I didn't have c-sections, but I did have about 20lbs to lose after having DS. The weight didn't go anywhere that first year, but I was nursing and wasn't 100% trying to lose the weight (beyond working out). I got serious when he was around 15 months and joined sparkpeople to start tracking my calories. I lost the weight in about 5 months and have kept it off for 2 years.
I also do have a good friend who has had 2 c-sections. And with at least her first pregnancy she gained ~55 lbs. She did weight watchers after her youngest turned a year, and looks absolutely amazing. You look at her and think there is no way she's had two kids.
I'm about 30 lbs lighter than I was before I got KU'd with DS2 (had him when DS1 was 19mos). I still have about 20 lbs to go until I'm at MY ideal weight.
That being said, while I look better, my body is absolutely wrecked. I don't have any hopes of it ever looking "good" again. I'm happy with my progress, but I'm not done.
Because my boys were large and I had polyhydramnios with swelling, my stretch marks are everywhere, I have so much extra skin all over and I got Diastasis Recti with a hernia. There's no hope for my midsection without surgical intervention.
I don't care enough to go under the knife for it, so I'll deal.
I know it's probably not what you wanted to hear, but I'm only 8 1/2 months out, so maybe I'm wrong and there's still hope for us yet. I'm just not holding my breath!!
I had two c-sections with 9 lb boys and I'm still working at it too! Don't get discouraged. I had an easier time losing it the first time around and BFing actually really helped me lose weight. This time I'm struggling to lose that last 10 pounds, but I know if I step it up it will happen. I was lucky not to get stretch marks, but I've been able to get my stomach back into pretty good shape with toning - Jillian Michaels etc. Don't give up hope. I know plenty of mamas who have had multiple c-sections and 50+ pounds gained and they are hot! It really hasn't been that long and your body has been through a lot the past few years. Give it time and I bet you'll see changes.
One thing that really works for me is to do a full month of serious workouts/eating clean, workout everyday, no simple sugars and no alcohol. I can usually drop a good 10 pounds and then be on maintenance after that. If I just slowly workout 2-3x a week and eat well I don't see enough progress to keep me motivated. Might be something to try if you can get up the energy to just go for it!
While breastfeeding the only things I would cut out completely are carbs and sugar -- I lost 8 lbs in one week when I did this -- it's tough to fight the cravings but if you are serious about losing weight, I swear it will come off and fast.
Another idea is to start reading up on how controversial wheat really is -- It blew my mind away when I read the book WHEAT BELLY -- I will never eat wheat based products like I once did again. Finally, if you are serious about an extreme measure like a tummy tuck, before you do that I would recommend researching the HCG diet with injections. It has transformed my life and my body post 2 c-sections. You cannot start the diet until after nursing though. My OB gave me the script for the hormone injections. I researched it for about 3 months and decided it was the right diet for me post baby. A book to read on it is POUNDS & INCHES by Linda Prinster.
Good luck, just remember you are only 3 months out, it takes 9 to gain and 9 to lose.
Thanks ladies-- I really appreciate the stories and tips, and most of all the encouragement. It makes me feel better that I'm not alone, and that there does seem to be hope.
I need to do better with cutting out the sugar and lay off the carbs a bit. And alcohol is my downfall, I don't drink much because I'm nursing, but I do have 1-2 drinks a night.
If anyone else wants/needs inspiration, I found this website that has a lot of transformation stories. There's a section for all female transformations, and many have had kids. It's great seeing how they did it and what they eat.
I'm in the same boat; my two older kids were both over 9 lbs, and my third was almost 8 lbs. I still have the ''flap of skin'' that hangs over my belly; sucky. I would advise you though to be careful and actually track your calories. I was really upset because I wasn't losing any weight (I have 20 lbs to get back to pre-pregnancy weight...) so I started tracking and realized that for some reason I was only eating 900-1000 calories a day. I think it was because I was super busy and because I was eating lots of protein. Once I upped my calories to around 1500 I started to lose again. Just something to be aware of because I didn't think I would ever have to EAT more to lose. :-)
I don't think my shelf of skin is ever going anywhere unless its a tummy tuck but I'd rather just never wear a two piece again. Even if I didn't have the shelf I still wouldn't wear a two piece because of the stretch marks... (sigh) Pregnancy was not my friend...
Thanks for sharing, this makes me feel less alone! Ugh, today I feel especially fat. I know I should probably use a calorie counter, that's a good idea. I'm trying not to think about the fact that I probably really have 30 lbs to lose (my ideal weight is probably about 118). Sigh.
I hope it gets easier, for all of us!
I know I only have one baby (and one on the way), but I will say that I felt like I turned a real corner after 6 months. It does take time, don't get too down on yourself.
I will say, I agree with you 100000% about BFing putting you at a disadvantage. I think the whole "Breastfeed to lose weight" thing is the most irritating comment in the whole world. I felt like you. I wanted to run (far and long) and watch what I ate, but I had to worry about my supply taking a hit AND the hour long, 6-7 mile runs were out of the question with a newborn's erratic eating schedule, irritated nipples, and full, sore breasts. So frustrating!