Pre-School and Daycare

s/o Naps - starting K in August and still needs one

DS must be weird... he will be 5 in August and still needs a good 2-hour nap every afternoon.  We have been experimenting with letting him stay up and going about our day and he is just a mess from dinner-time all the way through his bedtime routine - it's like he's ready for bed by 5pm.

I know he'll need to wean from the naps by August though to start Kindergarten, just not sure how to do it!  He sleeps great at night from 8pm-7am with the nap during the day.  Even if we just tell him it's quiet time with his books, he falls asleep.  Makes me wish we had half-day K so he could still have his naps!
SS10 - SD9 - DD7 - DS5 - DS born 10/3/12

Re: s/o Naps - starting K in August and still needs one

  • Spin313Spin313 member
    What time does he get out of K...? Can he nap when he comes home? If that's not an option, I would gradually start shortening his naps by 10-15 minutes until he's only napping for an hour. See how that goes; maybe you'll be able to cut the nap out com there.

  • Mine still naps as well. Her K gets out at 230 so that's when I will give her an hr quiet/nap time. I will be having a newborn at the times so I am definitely going to NEED that time. Hopefully you can figure out a small window of rest before homework, afternoon chores, and dinner.
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  • jlw2505jlw2505 member
    My DD's Kindergarten class does a brain break for I think 30 mins where the kids lay down on beach towels - I am assuming some kids will fall asleep for this.  I would find out if his class does anything like this.  Otherwise, I would move his bedtime up sooner - maybe try 7:30pm and see if that helps at all.  My girls (ages 6 next month and 4 go to sleep between 7 and 7:30pm and wake up during the week between 6 and 6:15 - older DD doesn't nap and younger DD naps for about 30 mins to 45 mins during the week).  Depending what time kindergarten lets out, you could let him take a short cat nap (30 mins or so) right after school at least in the beginning until he adjusts.  And keep in mind - he is only 4 1/2 right now - he is young and will be young when he starts school - it is going to be a huge adjustment.  My older DD is in a prek class this year and the kids are 4-5 (year before kindergarten) and about 75% of the kids still nap for 1-2 hours (quiet time is 2 hours).
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • DS1 started JK this year.  We had to shake him awake often the first few months of school as he would fall dead asleep on the bus on the ride home.

    He hasn't fallen asleep in a while now, more used to the routine I imagine.

    We moved his bedtime back to 7pm to help accomodate the fatigue, but that wasn't without some problems of its own.


    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • We are in the same position.  DD is in preschool and still naps most days.  And we make her nap at least one day on the weekend.  On the days she doesn't nap her behavior is noticeably different (grumpy!!!)  I hope that her kindergarten does some kind of rest period or we may be in big trouble for a while.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • at DDs preschool, they start reducing the length of the naps around April and wean them off over the spring and summer. 

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