Cloth Diapering

Looking for bamboo insert rec please!

I have a great bamboo insert but can't figure out what brand it is. Its long and wide and is so nice to fold over in half. I do not like all the snaps on the swaddlebee bamboo insert..they drive me crazy.

So basically I am looking for any kind of bamboo insert (not swaddle bee) but can't find what I'm looking for. Any recommendations?


Thanks :) 

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Re: Looking for bamboo insert rec please!

  • Big enough to fold: AMP

    Great, but need 2 if used alone: Kawaii or Alva 3 layer

    What I want: Alva 4 layer bamboo/microfiber inserts

  • I don't have a problem with a single Kawaii bamboo.  I rarely use 2.

    Rainbow bb bamboo diapers have a bamboo insert that I love too, you can get just the inserts off ebay.  

    The 6r bamboo inserts from rumparooz are really nice as well, but they do have snaps - it's a 2 piece you can conform to different configurations. 




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  • AMP bamboo is awesome.
    November 2010 - 10.5 week loss  o:) 
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  • Thanks everyone! Just ordered AMP bamboo :)
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