I tried seraching to see if this had been asked before and didn't see it, so hopefully I'm not repeating a question!
I had been using Borax (because I couldn't find Calgon in store anywhere) to help soften my water. But it wasn't helping enough and I've decided to switch to Tide and ditch microfiber.
Should I still use Borax or Calgon to help soften the water?
Re: Hard water Tide users
I'll have to look there again. I've been trying to avoid Wal-Mart, it's so crowded and I end up buying other things than what's on my list, don't complete my list because I get too frazzled etc. The day I broke down and bought Borax I couldn't find any Calgon in my Wal-Mart but I wasn't very thorough and went to the smaller one in town.