
Is this fat? Bloat? Or baby?

Hi ladies, 

A post from PAIF got me thinking about this. I'm 9w5d pregnant with triplets. My pants don't even come close to buttoning. I can zip them about half way. I figured this was fat from the constant eating, or bloat from the hormones and endometrin, but the Internet says says some multiple pregnancies can show as early as 7 weeks. (the Internet says lots of things though). I know it doesn't really matter, but I'm just curious. I feel my stomach has turned round in four days! Even my husband said something. I figure if anyone knows about multiples, it's you guys. Thanks in advance!  

4/13/12--1st u/s. IDENTICAL TRIPLETS (?!?) PAIF and SAIF welcome Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Is this fat? Bloat? Or baby?

  • i'd say for triplets it could be babies for sure... plus bloat :)

    i looked pregnant with my twins by that stage - it was mostly bloat, but a few weeks later it was for sure my uterus - hard and NOTHING fit.  so with triplets I'd say probably your uterus is getting bigger already... and you are bloated... it all adds up fast :)

     i was wearing maternity pants literally right away with my twin pg - since it was my 2nd pg i think my stomach was arleady stretched out - so my bloat just went BAM- and i was so uncomfortable in anything else.... I started wearing maternity shirts around 12 weeks with the twins. I wanted to look pregnant and not just like a fat girl. :)

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • scorchscorch member

    Could be babies.  I went to my 7 week ultrasound in maternity jeans when we found out we were having twins

    Usuallyat 9weeks I would say bloat, but multiples is a different story.



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  • Could really be any of the 3. It depends on your body. I did not show till later like 18-19 weeks and this was my second pregnancy. I remember going to gender scan in my regular jeans. But I was a little over weight to start and did not start gaining weight till later. I was same way in first pregnancy I am also short. So it all depends on body style and way you carry your trio. 
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  • Sorry! I forgot to add that I'm 5'3, pre preg. Weight at 127. Small framed and petite, but not stick thin. I normally wore size 4, some 6s. To get pants that fit they have to be size ten now, at the waist but then the rest of the pants look like clown pants. Thanks ladies, you are making me feel less crazy. FWIW my uterus tilts backwards a lot, so if I lye on my back (very incomfortable) the bump changes shape. Freak me out! This is my first preg and I have a lot to learn!
    4/13/12--1st u/s. IDENTICAL TRIPLETS (?!?) PAIF and SAIF welcome Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm pregnant with twins but by that point my bloat was huge! I started measuring my belly at 6 weeks and stayed around the same measurement until about 16 weeks. My bloat changed to baby bump around 15/16 weeks. My belly changed so much around then and you could really tell it was babies and not bloat, although it didn't measure any larger. I also gained 10 pounds during IVF so I'm sure that contributed to the initial bloat belly.
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  • Probably a mixture of both like you said.  I only had 2 and I couldn't fit most of my jeans by 8-9 weeks and had a tiny bump by then.  I started gaining pretty rapidly in the first trimester plus I am thin to begin with so it made it pretty obvious on me.  I didn't find out I was having twins until right at about 11 weeks and then I was like "no wonder!".  MH just thought I was a crazy pregnant lady....

  • By 9 weeks with twins I could not comfortably button up or zip my pants all the way. By 11 weeks I could not zip my pants at all! I say its very likely the babies! 
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  • .. by 26 weeks with twins my regular shirts now look like half shirts! They won't cover my belly!  LOL    =)  
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