So, I'm planning on VBAC with my second in a few weeks, but a little complication has crept its way into my plans and I'm just not sure what to do about it...I'm talking about the options with my dr, but I wondered what you all would do in this situation...
With my DD I was in active labor for 37 without any meds, pitocin or epi and then shortly after getting both at hour 37 DD's heart rate spiked and they did an emergency c because I had been stalled at 4 cm for the past 6 hours and her heart rate was going up and up.
With this pregnancy, my platelets are low, sometimes above and sometimes below the lowest level they will allow me to have an epidural if I want it when the time comes. My due date is June 7, and if I don't go into labor before June 14, that is when they will do a repeat c-section.
I am really committed to doing things naturally this time around, but if my c-section date comes and I am in one of those periods that my platelets are too low for an epidural, then I will have to have a section anyway and it will have to be under general anesthesia, which I really REALLY don't want to happen. Or, if I go into labor before then and they are too low and the same thing happens with no progressing this time around and I can't have an epi, again general anesthesia become the only option.
My dr. said that if my platelets are above the acceptable level for an epi at 40 weeks I can still opt for a c-section and change the date, but she knows I really want to VBAC and is supportive of that too.
They are going to be checking the platelet level every week to see if there is some type of pattern at all to predict what may happen in the last week or two, but I'm just going out of my mind trying to think about what to do...
Re: Low Platelets--Looking for advice