Baby Names

? about alliteration

Let's say you just adore a name but it is the same letter as your last name, however not only that, it has two of the same syllables in it- think Lila Ludke for example- there are not just 2 L's then, but 3. Do you go for it anyway or give up on the idea? At what point does something sound cheesy when alliteration is concerned?
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Re: ? about alliteration

  • Honestly, I never thought of that unless it's really painful to say together. DD's name is Rosalie our last name starts with R and it's very german (beginning sound in our last name is said like Rye). It still sounds fine though. Luckily we will be changing her last name to DH's soon.
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  • I don't mind alliteration, but I will say that my last name has 2 separate L sounds in it (think Lowell) and so I avoided names that started with "L".
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  • My husband's name is Casey and our last name starts with a "C" and is two syllables.  If we have a girl, her name will be Cora after my great grandmother, who's last name was Castle.  I do love the alliteration, and always thought my great grandmother's name had a beautiful ring to it.  That said, I'd never name a boy Colin because we also have an "L" starting the last syllable of our name.  It's too much, and I think that's what you're asking.  I actually really don't mind Lila Ludke though, even with the 3 L's.  Maybe it just depends on the name?

  • blw1003blw1003 member
    I think it's fine as long as it's easy to say.  Your example is easy to say and I think it is pretty. 
  • I would avoid it, unless it was absolutely, far and away my favorite name. 

    The alliteration doesn't bother me as much as the shared syllable (luh-luh, in your example.) 

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  • I think it's a case-by-case thing. I grew up as a Sarah S--- and it kind of bugged me. My married name starts with a vowel, and I'm finding that alliteration with vowels doesn't bother me as much. But I definitely avoid anything that starts with the same vowel and first consonant sound as my last name (e.g., I wouldn't use Anna Anderson or Emily Emerson).


    If you really love the name, say it aloud a lot and see what you think. I wouldn't rule it out immediately.

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  • BLPL101BLPL101 member
    I was Laura 2 syllable last name starting with "L" before I changed my name when I got married and I've always thought it sounded great. Go for it.

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  • It really depends on the combination.

    My name is Suzanne and my married last name begins with Sch____.   WAY hard to say without sounding like I'm slurring.   Not the end of the world, but I am always careful to enunciate.


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  • stahlopstahlop member
    My friend named her daughter Lylah Lynn and their last name also begins with an L and is two syllables.  I don't think it's cheesy.  It actually sounds nice together.  It's up to you.  If you really like it and don't mind the alliteration then go for it.

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  • When I changed my name after marriage. I loved it. Dana Davis. It has a nice ring to it and people remember it. I like the idea. Good luck!
  • I grew up with "sh" throughout my entire name.  I never had a problem with it.  In fact, I kind of liked it.  All my classmates did too when I was young, once they figured out my middle name (in a non teasing way, it was just fun to say).  I feel it sort of set me apart, and made me a little bit more memorable.

    That said, it can be easy to go overboard.  Use caution, and it absolutely has to be looked at case by case.

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  • Lila Ludke would be fine, Luca Ludke wouldn't really work IMO. I think it's more important to actually look at the first syllable than just letters.
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  • MelleTXMelleTX member

    I am a Michelle M. and it sounds fine together. My middle name actually rhymes with Michelle (old family surname) and it has never caused any issues as it is a middle name. 

    I like the alliteration. Lydia Louise is my top girl name right now.  

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  • imagestahlop:
    My friend named her daughter Lylah Lynn and their last name also begins with an L and is two syllables.  I don't think it's cheesy.  It actually sounds nice together.  It's up to you.  If you really like it and don't mind the alliteration then go for it.

    i dont know how anyone could hear lylah lynn l____ and not think its cheesy.  sorry, but thats downright cartoon characterish.

     to the op, it depends on the specific name.  in general, alliteration in names should be avoided.  there are some circumstances where it sounds ok, but you have to be very careful.   

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  • I dunno! I love Nora so much but obv. it's very, very close to our last name and everyone says it sounds too similar and silly together!
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