Anyone go through a fever with a little one? I think DD caught it from
her big brother. I wasn't worried but called the pedi who is having me
head in in an hour. I started google-ing things and now I'm worried
about her. Any experiences to share?
My DS had 100.4 fever as a newborn (just a few days old). I think drs worry about fever in super young babies because of meningitis, etc...but if her brother had something, it probably came from him. I had to take DS to the hospital for a few tests but he ended up testing negative for any sort of bacterial infection. Your pedi is just being cautious - as I think they all are with the really young ones.
A good friend of mine just went through this with her son. He was 3 weeks and had a fever of 104 (higher that your DS). They sent him immediately to the hospital where he had to get a spinal tap to rule out meningitis. He had to stay there for 48 hours while the cultures grew. It ended up being just a virus, but it was not fun. Her daughter also had a history of febrile seizures (seizures due to high temperatures), but luckily the baby did not have any.
Your DD'a fever isn't as high, so I don't think they would send you to the hospital. Hopefully they can treat it with Tylenol and they'll want to make sure she is getting enough fluid to stay hydrated.
Good Luck!
Debbie - Mommy to Clayton William 5-3-05, Laurian Lynn 3-6-08
Re: 4 weeks + 100.4 fever...
A good friend of mine just went through this with her son. He was 3 weeks and had a fever of 104 (higher that your DS). They sent him immediately to the hospital where he had to get a spinal tap to rule out meningitis. He had to stay there for 48 hours while the cultures grew. It ended up being just a virus, but it was not fun. Her daughter also had a history of febrile seizures (seizures due to high temperatures), but luckily the baby did not have any.
Your DD'a fever isn't as high, so I don't think they would send you to the hospital. Hopefully they can treat it with Tylenol and they'll want to make sure she is getting enough fluid to stay hydrated.
Good Luck!