Food Allergy

Facial eczema

(I was wondering if I could ask a question here about allergies in general, because I'm not sure yet if they're related to food or not. And DD has her 2.5 year appt on Monday, so I'll be sure to ask then too.)

DD never had any signs of food allergies in the past, and she didn't get her first patch of eczema until after a year old. Even then, it went away with a little extra TLC. This past winter, she had some larger patches which required some pedi approved cortisone cream and Aquaphor. Her pedi still thought it was more of a contact thing though because it was in the crooks of her arms, neck and legs. 

Now though, in the last week, she's had worsening patches under her eyes, which are really starting to bother her. She scratches at them and says they hurt. I haven't used cortisone since it's so close to her eyes, but lotion isn't helping it at all. I just bought some California Baby callendula lotion today to give that a shot. 

So here's my question... can food allergies begin later in life? (She's a decent eater, but pretty much sticks to the same stuff so it's nothing new we've put in her diet.) Could it be just seasonal allergies? And no, we haven't changed detergents either.

Any other eczema tips? Thanks so much in advance.

BFP #1: 7-26-08, natural m/c 6w4d; BFP #2: 12-6-08, natural m/c 6w5d
BFP #3: 2-26-09; DD born 10/30/09; 7lb3oz, 20.5in!
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BFP= #4: 9-8-13, hcg @ 14dpo: 507, 17dpo: 1731, doubling: 39 hours
Found a strong hb @ 5w6d; Measuring 4 days ahead, hb of 168 @ 8w4d!
So excited for Baby Sister! EDD: 5/24/14
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Re: Facial eczema

  • imageamlea81:

    So here's my question... can food allergies begin later in life? (She's a decent eater, but pretty much sticks to the same stuff so it's nothing new we've put in her diet.) Could it be just seasonal allergies? And no, we haven't changed detergents either.

    Any other eczema tips? Thanks so much in advance.

    Yes and yes.. Food allergies can start at any time, even for adults.  My son was originally allergic to milk/soy/eggs/peanuts/sesame.  Soy and sesame went away but he gained tree nuts.  He was tested for tree nuts and it was negative so he ate almonds.  Ate them daily and it was his main source of food but started showing signs of reactions and we couldn't figure out what it was (Swelled nipples, eczema..) and we had him tested again and sure enough, he's allergic to almonds (and walnuts) even though it was negative a year before.

    Also, ingredients in food products can change, so it's possible there was something added to something she eats daily.

    It could DEFINITELY be seasonal also... This is the year for seasonal allergies. You can request her to get tested for the top 8 and seasonal since she's older.  Does it happen more when she's outside playing?

    Was she near a pet recently -could be that. 

    Start a food journal and observe her skin after every meal and see if it happens more after a specific food than others.

    There are a lot of moms on here with great bathing tips for eczema.  We never did it b/c as soon as he was clear of his allergens his skin cleared.. but i know some still need extra tlc with their skin

  • pawcallpawcall member
    I highly recommend CeraVe cream - it's OTC and very easy to find at any drugstore.  It's worked miracles for my son's eczema, especially the ones on his face.
    ~Mom to an amazing Jan 2011 boy~
    ~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~

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