Camilla Elizabeth sounds a bit stutter-y, though. Is is a family name? If so, I don't care about flow. If it's just a name you like, though, it's not the best sound.
The waste in life lies in the love we have not given, the powers we have not used and the selfish prudence that will risk nothing; and which shirking pain, misses happiness as well.
Mary Cholmondeley
Camilla Elizabeth sounds a bit stutter-y, though. Is is a family name? If so, I don't care about flow. If it's just a name you like, though, it's not the best sound.
I like Camilla, but I don't think it flows well with Elizabeth.
ETA: This may not be an option, but I think Elizabeth Camilla would be peeeerfect.
Married to my best friend 6/5/10
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
It will have the Camilla Parker Bowles stigma always attached to you really want it to be linked with the chick that has baggin Charles behind Diana's back?
It makes me think of Camilla Parker Bowles (unattractive English lady married to Prince Charles). I have such a hard time not associating names with those I already know with that name.
It will have the Camilla Parker Bowles stigma always attached to you really want it to be linked with the chick that has baggin Charles behind Diana's back?
ditto--and because of her I dont connect "pretty" with the name..more horse-faced
It will have the Camilla Parker Bowles stigma always attached to you really want it to be linked with the chick that has baggin Charles behind Diana's back?
This. Camilla has a negative connotation to me now. In fact I've considered getting Corgis and naming them Camilla & Charles.
However I do like Camellia, which is very similar, if you don't mind flower names. I think the extra syllable might help the flow with Elizabeth.
Its my name and Ive always loved it. I had a few pronounciation issues growing up, but have always been the only Camilla in any school Ive attended. I think Camilla Elizabeth sounds fine together.
Camilla is actually in our top 5 and has been for awhile. I love Milla or Millie for nn. The association with Camilla Parker Bowles doesn't bother me, the odds of people thinking of her once they see a baby girl are pretty slim. Elizabeth is kind of a mouthful but it is pretty!
Re: Camilla?
I like Camilla.
Camilla Elizabeth sounds a bit stutter-y, though. Is is a family name? If so, I don't care about flow. If it's just a name you like, though, it's not the best sound.
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Expecting #2 6.28.14
Agree. What about Camille?
I like Camilla, but I don't think it flows well with Elizabeth.
ETA: This may not be an option, but I think Elizabeth Camilla would be peeeerfect.
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
It makes me think of Camilla Parker Bowles (unattractive English lady married to Prince Charles). I have such a hard time not associating names with those I already know with that name.
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ditto--and because of her I dont connect "pretty" with the name..more horse-faced
This. Camilla has a negative connotation to me now. In fact I've considered getting Corgis and naming them Camilla & Charles.
However I do like Camellia, which is very similar, if you don't mind flower names.
I think the extra syllable might help the flow with Elizabeth.
This. When I hear "Camilla" I think of Camilla the Chicken from The Muppet Show.
MPZ born June 2011
TTC #2 ... Cycle 1-3: IUI = BFN | Cycle 4: IVF ... canceled but 3 snow babies
Cycle 5: FET .. BFP! | EDD - 3/15/2014
This. Camille has a much better flow with Elizabeth than Camilla.