DS is 17 months, and baby boy #2 is due in 2 weeks. I am looking for a new, BIG diaper bag to hold all 3 of our "stuff". Any reccomendations? I like a bag that doesn't necessarily look like a diaper bag. For DS I had a vera bradley baby bag and recently switched to a different large, tote style vera bag....but I don't know that it will be big enough!
I have been looing at the Lands End canvas totes as well....any experience with those? What do you carry?
Re: Diaper bag for 2U2??
Take this with a grain of salt, as I am not stylish in the slightest.
I have 3 "diaper bags"
In my trunk I have a "diaper basket". It's a wicker basket with a liner from Michael's or something. I keep several diapers for each child, a change of clothes for each child, wipes, a changing pad (technically a receiving blanket), and diaper cream. I also have an empty sippy in my car at all times that I can fill from a water fountain if necessary.
I have a small tote bag with snacks, wipes, toys, sippy and a blanket to lay on the ground for the baby. I carry that with me in and out of the house and change out the contents daily so it has fresh snacks etc. I bring that one with me when we get out of the car. So, at the park I will bring that bag and put it on a bench etc. It's also where I stash my wallet, phone etc (although several of my carriers have pockets too and I use those just as frequently for wallet etc).
Finally I have a backpack. It's large enough for all of the above mentioned items in one bag. I find that when we're places where it's not convenient to go back to the car (zoo, museum etc) I want both hands free and it's easier to play with my kids when wearing a backpack than a shoulder bag for me. The backpack lives inside but is always packed and ready to go at a moment's notice.
I hope this concept is helpful. You could probably accomplish a similar goal with stylish bags if you wanted to.
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
This is genius!! This would be so helpful to just have a utility tote/ open-top basket or bag for the car with extra essential, I could even put prepacked snacks in there for DS and have it with all the time! Then I could still carry one of the smaller diaper bags knowing I have everything else in the car! Thanks for the great Idea!!!
You're welcome. It's also useful because my older one likes to run off while I'm changing the little one (like crawling under the door in the stall to get out etc). This way I can put him in the car and not worry about him while I change her. IN reverse it's nice to not be wearing the baby while trying to change a toddler and I rarely bring a stroller.
Side note: I've been thinking about adding a bin between the car seats as well. In that one I'd put car toys, extra shoes, non-perishable snacks etc.
We have the skip hop double but it is huge.https://www.amazon.com/Skip-Hop-Double-Deluxe-Black/dp/B000YFRC84/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1336254388&sr=8-1
You can easily fit every sippy, bottle, extra clothing, and everything but the kitchen sink in this thing and it has special clips to hang from a stroller. It is perfect for our double side by side stroller too. It was great when both were little and I needed a lot to go out.
Lately I have just been using a normal size diaper bag because I don't need as much with two toddlers, but I also keep a large cloth tote in the car with everything I may need (extra clothing, diapers, wipes, hats, sunscreen, warm sweaters, extra socks, extra sippy cups, snacks, single packet formula, special toys for restaurants and so on).
We have a SUV and only do diaper changes in there (in the trunk). It is too crazy to try to do it in a public bathroom with a toddler running around like the pp mentioned.
Brilliant !