November 2011 Moms

Unswaddle Success! But...

Yesterday was the first day that DS rolled back to tummy so it was time to completely unswaddle. I knew this day was coming so a couple weeks ago we started swaddling one arm out and last night we took the plunge and took both arms out of his halo sleep sack swaddle and he still STTN (thank goodness) like he has been. But when I came in this morning he was on his belly. I had to wake him for daycare and when he woke and found himself on his stomach he looked at me and almost started crying with a look on his face as if to say "why would you roll me on my tummy while I'm asleep?!" So I am now curious if it is a really good thing that we completely unswaddled him because he did roll onto his tummy OR if he rolled onto his tummy because he was unswaddled? Either way, DH was pretty panicked that he wasn't sleeping on his back, but I know we can't stop him from rolling in his sleep.
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Re: Unswaddle Success! But...

  • Hmm I don't know, we ditched the swaddle about a month ago and only this past week has he started rolling while asleep. I think though that swaddle or not it's going to become more and more common from this point!
    Raising a threenager since 11/11
    Baby boy #2 due 5/6/15
  • From what I understand once they are rolling to their tummy themselves it is no longer considered to be a big risk factor
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  • Hmm...wondering this myself.  What happens if once they have learned to roll from back to tummy, they forgot how to roll from tummy to back?  I'm worried that since she seems to not be able to roll back to her back, what if she rolls on to her belly at night, forgets to roll to her back and smothers herself?  Yes...I am a hypochondriac. Thank you! :-P


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  • imageChan4dra04:

    Hmm...wondering this myself.  What happens if once they have learned to roll from back to tummy, they forgot how to roll from tummy to back?  I'm worried that since she seems to not be able to roll back to her back, what if she rolls on to her belly at night, forgets to roll to her back and smothers herself?  Yes...I am a hypochondriac. Thank you! :-P


    I worried about that too because it seems like the past few weeks he has forgotten how to roll tummy to back but I did read that sometimes when they are learning a new skill they can temporarily forget the old ones, I'm hoping this is the case. This morning he was laying flat but with his head to his side. Like PP said, I think once they are strong enough to roll back to tummy they can lift their own heads and not be smothered. :)

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