
c-section and anxiety meds

I am scheduled for a c-section for a breech baby on May 11th and I am TERRIFIED!  I spoke with one of the OB's at my practice today about my anxiety and asked if I could get something for anxiety prior to having the spinal and she said no due to fear of the baby not being able to breathe?  I have heard from others that they were given anxiety meds so I wanted to see if anyone here was given anxiety meds prior to the c-section and if there was any effect on the baby?  I just don't think I will be able to handle it without them! 
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Re: c-section and anxiety meds

  • F15WifeF15Wife member

    I asked too and wasn't given any.

    I was terrified too. A Csection was everything I DIDN'T want. I have major major panic attacks when it comes to being put under general anethesia. I have never been put under and even though normally you don't have to be put under just the idea of a major surgery and fear the unknown was alot for me.

    That being said.....I promise you it was a sinch!!! It really is so easy. The recovery was a bit more than I expected (I had 2 previous vaginal births) but honestly the whole process was very calm and simple. Please explain your major fear and hopefully your docs and nurses will help with a calming environment and keep you informed every step of the way.

    You'll be ok mama!

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  • I have had 2 c-sections and it is not as bad as people make it out to be.  I focused on the fact that it would be quick and soon I would be holding my beautiful baby!  It will be over before you know it. I am having my 3rd c-section in August and although I am not looking forward to it (I wouldn't be looking forward to a vaginal birth either-just not my idea of fun), I know that it wasnt' that bad so hang in there.
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  • I was also terrified but it was not that bad and it was over very quickly.  I panicked about the epidural but once it was in, it was no big deal.  Then I panicked because it seemed like they were starting and they hadn't let my DH back in yet, but then he came in and I instantly calmed down.  Then during the surgery it was kind of scary but before I knew it I heard my first baby cry and then the anxiety was gone for good.  You will be fine and it will all be worth it when you see your LO!  GL :)
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  • I was given versaid by iv before recieving my spinal. they said the only thing that it could cause, is memory loss of the birth. i rmember everything.
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  • Thanks for the advice everyone, I really appreciate it!  I am trying super hard to remain calm and remember the gift that will come at the end of it :)  
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  • I had 2 scheduled C-sections, and I have terrible anxety/claustrophobia. For the first, I had told the anesthesiologist about my anxiety and as soon as DS was out he gave me Versed in my IV as soon as the baby was out and I don't remember a thing after that until I was in recovery.

     For DD, I didnt want to have Versed since it made my memories of DS's birth a bit foggy, and he had to go to NICU, etc. I did absolutely fine with DD with no meds- I dare say it was even a pleasant experience! A planned C is so calm/controlled, and the baby is out so quickly- once you hear him/her cry I was so distracted I didn't even pay attention to the surgery. I was so busy trying to hear her stats, then they brought her over and I was just staring at her, kissing her, etc. Towards the end, DH left with DD to get a bath and I was chatting away with my doctor  and the others in the room- it was very odd to be chatting about names, etc - we were even cracking jokes LOL.

    They did give me morphine after DS was out and they said that would help take the edge off with out the memory effects, though I didnt  notice a difference. The big thing that helped me was knowing that they had the Versed/other drugs on hand and if I did panic/freak out that they could put them right in my IV  and they'd be effective immediately. Just talk to your anesthesiologist about it beforehand, and let them know anything you're feeling in the OR. THey have drugs for everything!! GL

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  • I did not want a c-section, but after DD was estimated to be extremely wide and it was clear that she did not want to drop prior to labor, I scheduled the procedure after consulting with three different doctors. I say all this because I want to emphasize how nervous and reluctant I was about having a c-section for a variety of reasons. And because my c-section was scheduled just a few days before it happened, I didn't really have time to emotionally prepare myself for having the operation, nor did I have a good idea of what actually went on during a c-section!

    I would have been much less nervous if I'd educated myself about the procedure, so I recommend you do all the reading on it that you can. Despite my nerves, I got through it. Just think of meeting your new baby and the positive adrenaline will actually help you through. Having a good anesthesiologist helps too, at least in my experience. Our anesthesiologist was up at my head the whole time helping to explain things to me and to calm me down. Maybe you can meet the anesthesiologist ahead of time?

    Also, just know that you are going to feel a little wacky after the procedure. If you're worried about nerves, you may become concerned that you're having a panic attack. I was shaking so bad and felt like I was having an out-of-body experience and I wondered if it was due to my being freaked out. But no, it happens to everyone because of the anesthetic.

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  • I was terrified of the epidural. I was willing to go through all the pain so I wouldn't have to get it. I was worried about how I would react to not having control over my body and about the "shakes". I was pleasantly surprised that I was very calm and it was really not a big deal at all. I did not panic and my husband was freaking out more than I was Haha. You will be fine. Just keeping thinking about your little one. Focus on meeting him or her. Good Luck!
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