
Itchy Scar?

Anyone else experience this long after a c/s?  I had mine over 17 months ago and it still itches and feel uncomfortable sometimes.  Does this ever go away?  TIA. 

Re: Itchy Scar?

  • Yes! DD is 16 months and mine really itches too sometimes. I've noticed it usually itches around the time my period starts or if I shave right there. When I shave I feel like ripping my scar open so I can get it to go away. 
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  • I'm only 7 wks postpartum, but my scar itches and I've read that it can itch for years to come.
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  • imageAngelfish82:
    I'm only 7 wks postpartum, but my scar itches and I've read that it can itch for years to come.

    Uh yeah it can... my last s/c was 4 years ago and every once and awhile mine will itch. Especialy in the summer on when I'm really hot.


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