Single Parents

divorce and crummy lawyer

I've been in the process of getting divorce for about a year now.  When I first filed, one person was in charge of my papers, then I guess they fired her and my papers went to someone else, then someone else...then I ended up just talking to the paralegal (I only actually talked to the lawyer during the first consultation and I was basically talked AT at the first court meeting.)  My soon-to-be-ex-husband was first trying to battle me for full custody (he doesn't have a job, has been in and out of different homes, lives out of state and can barely take care of himself.)  Luckily, he started to back off and to show how much of a scumbag he is, he decided to give up legal, physical and visitation rights.  This would be all fine and dandy if i had a good lawyer.  For some reason, when my lawyer had the chance to default my divorce (he was taking to long to file a response) they decided to give him like three extra weeks past the deadline.  Now, after shelling out a good $1800+ for this lawyer, they are giving me the run around and really just making this process last way longer than it should.  Is there anyone in the same boat as me or use to be in the same situation?
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Re: divorce and crummy lawyer

  • Your lawyer is on retainer, correct? Make an appointment and voice your concerns with the atty directly. If you don't get a good response then I would fire him/her. Demand an accounting of the hours they've worked on your case and then demand a refund of whatever is left over. If there's nothing left over then cut your losses and get another lawyer on the case. Yes it may cost money but this is your child's future at stake.
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