Cloth Diapering

HE washers-what exact cycle do you use?

We are buying a new home and therefore are buying new appliances. I have been using an old top loader that allows me to adjust the amount of water and whatnot. When we went looking for a washer yesterday, EVERYTHING is HE and I'm just not sure what cycles will get everything completely clean without adjusting water levels. What exact cycle do you use that works well for CDs? I will have 2 in CDs and need to make sure what I buy will work well. TIA

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Re: HE washers-what exact cycle do you use?

  • We do a bulky cold wash with heavy duty setting. Then a bulky hot wash with heavy duty setting and extra rinse with 1 Tbs. detergent. HTH! The manual will tell you which setting uses the most water with your machine.
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  • I checked our manual & contacted the company to see which setting would give me the most water.  Maybe before you purchase you could call around to a few companies to get recommendations for machines that will give you the most options for water amounts??  Might be worth all the research. 

    They also make HE top loaders now....that might work best for you. 

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  • We just got a Maytag HE toploader and use the bulky setting which gives a bit more water than the other cycles.  I do a hot wash and 2 cold rinses and the diapers are clean every time.  I don't even do a pre-rinse but I do spray poopy diapers well before they go into the wet bag.
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  • I have a Whirlpool Cabrio, which is a HE Toploader.  I do a Quick Wash with no detergent on cold, a Bulky wash on hot with detergent, then another Quick wash on cold with no detergent.  It works really well.
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  • TwirpleTwirple member
    We have the Whirlpool Duet.  I do a quick wash on cold with no detergent followed by a hot regular wash with an extra rinse.  It has always worked great for me.  My diapers are clean with no stink.
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  • Perfect, thanks Ladies!!
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  • I do a rinse with no spin, then a normal hot wash with a pre-wash. I rinse with cold water at the end then spin before drying.
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  • If you buy a machine with an extra water button option you will have no problem.s
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  • "Quick Wash" warm/cold, extra rinse, no spin, soil level heavy as my rinse/soak, then "Heavy Duty" hot/cold, extra rinse with Tide original for the wash.


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  • Quick wash on cold no detergent

    Heavy duty wash on hot or warm with the heavy soil load and extra rinse options and 1 scoop Tiny Bubbles.

    I've never had any issues getting my diapers clean. 

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  • We have a Maytag Epic.  We use the Whites setting.  it does a cold rinse, hot wash, then 2 rinses.  I use 1/3 of a scoop Country Save.  The only time it doesn't work well is when I attempt to do a small load, less than a full kitchen trash can full, which is about 3 days of pockets, 1 kid.  I had a few months with 2 in CD's, and I'd wash about every 1.5-2 days.  If I don't think I'm going to have a whole load, I throw in some crappy old towels to make it full.
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