We are buying a new home and therefore are buying new appliances. I have been using an old top loader that allows me to adjust the amount of water and whatnot. When we went looking for a washer yesterday, EVERYTHING is HE and I'm just not sure what cycles will get everything completely clean without adjusting water levels. What exact cycle do you use that works well for CDs? I will have 2 in CDs and need to make sure what I buy will work well. TIA
Re: HE washers-what exact cycle do you use?
I checked our manual & contacted the company to see which setting would give me the most water. Maybe before you purchase you could call around to a few companies to get recommendations for machines that will give you the most options for water amounts?? Might be worth all the research.
They also make HE top loaders now....that might work best for you.
Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.
my blog
What it's like to cloth diaper twins, Part I.
Cloth diapering twins, Part II.
Quick wash on cold no detergent
Heavy duty wash on hot or warm with the heavy soil load and extra rinse options and 1 scoop Tiny Bubbles.
I've never had any issues getting my diapers clean.