
When did you go on your first trip with your twins?

My DH and I would love to go to the coast, which is about 4 hours from our house. We don't have anyone to watch our girls, so we would be taking them with us.

They are currently 6 months and 2 weeks.

Not sure how much fun they would have. 

When did y'all go on your first trip and what did you do?


Re: When did you go on your first trip with your twins?

  • 2 months.  Went to a wedding.  
  • We went on a family beach vacation (including extended family) when my boys were about 7 mo.  We had a 3.5 hr car ride, which wasn't terrible.  I sat in the back with them both.

    We did have help which made the beach part easier, even though I tried not to depend on the help so inlaws could enjoy themselves too.

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  • We also went to a wedding at 2.5 months.

    It involved a 2 hours car ride, a 2 hour flight, a hotel stay, then a car rental and a 1.5 hour car ride to get to the wedding. 

    Luckily, they were young that they were still sleeping a ton. 


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  • We went home for the holidays (a 10 hr drive) at 5 months but our first 'vacation' was at 11 months to the beach. At 6 months since they're still pretty much just hanging out & not mobile, I'm sure it would be fun to take them to the beach, they'd like to see the sand & water and probably the pool if there is one, and then just walking around looking at different things would be fun for them too I'm sure.

    Now the 'fun' for you might be a little different, that would probably be my biggest concern- 2 naps a day plus bedtime (depending on what time yours go down)and navigating being in a space that is not your own, etc and you might not have a whole lot of vacation but sometimes it is really fun just to be in a different setting!


  • we went to visit my ILs in GA when the girls were 8 months included 2 - 2 hour flights and a layover...they did great.
  • leebi07leebi07 member
    13 months went to DC for my husband to do a triathalon.  Took a short flight.  They did great on the flight home, not so much on the flight down there. 
  • We haven't gone yet (obviously the babies aren't here yet!) but we are planning on going on a road trip when the babies are about 6 weeks.  It will be 5 hours in the car there and then back but once we get there we will be staying with friends who have a baby so we will have a home base.  When I tell people our plans they think we are nuts but I don't want our lives to stop because we have babies, this is what we do and they are going to have to get used to it some time! :)  I think if you go into it prepared and know that things aren't going to go as planned all the time you will be totally fine.
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  • 9 weeks!

    We drove to Maine (where I'm from).  The part we went to is an 8 hour drive w/out kids.  We stopped a few times so it took longer, but it was pretty easy.  They're still sleepy at that point.

    My family goes to a lakehouse every summer for the last week in July.  So my immediate family was there (parents, sister and BIL, and brothers).  Everyone helped us out, but honestly it wasn't that different for me than if we'd been at home.  The lake and dock are right outside hte door, so I sunned while the babies were napping and would go out on the boat in between nursing sessions while my Mom or sister would stay behind.  The girls did great too- that's when we first got 7 hour sleep stretches from them, so they had no trouble transitioning!

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  • 2 mo old drove 10 hours (more like 12 with the stops) to my parents house


    7 mo old drove 3 hours to DH's uncles condo...this was the best trip


    8 mo old flew to my parents house (2 hour flight)


    11 mo drove to my parents house...way harder than when they were 2 mo old


    18 mo old we will go to my parents house but we are debating flying or driving...can't decide.


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  • MrsLntMrsLnt member
    We went to the beach at 5.5 months. They were still eating at 11pm and not great sleepers and it was an exhausting time for everyone. I'd suggest learning from my mistakes and either renting cribs or doing something to make a PnP more comfortable and giving them their own room. We shared a room with our babies and everyone was up all night long. 
  • We went home for Christmas as 6 months.  It involved two flights each way, and we stayed with family.  The boys did great, though it did really mess up their sleeping.

     We're going to the beach at 12 months - another two flights each way.  It should be interesting, though we will have a lot of family there to help!

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  • We're about to head up to my grandparents' house for a family reunion. It's a 5-6 hour drive depending on traffic so we're going to try to leave around bedtime and hopefully the girls will sleep and not need a feeding until we're there. But we will see. We have about 3 weeks until we go, and so far they're still not big fans of their car seats. They'll be just over 5 months by then. I'm just not sure what gear we should even bring! They sleep in their own cribs but we only have one PNP. I guess maybe it's time to see how they nap together to see how it goes.
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  • kids who are not mobile????  EASY!!!   You can do anything that you can bring a stroller to - and will be nice.

    once they are mobile it's a whole other ballgame.

    We didn't travel until the twins were older - we just weren't up to it (have a 3rd child, too) and money was tight.  We took a 3-night vacation at the shore when the twins were just over 1yo --- knowing it might be miserable or might be fun.  We left wishing we had ONE more night there- so it was pretty much a success, but was exhausting b/c they were mobile :)

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
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