Hello everyone! I am from the 1st trimester board and I wanted to post this concern here to see if any of you went trough the same thing with success. At 5 weeks 2 days my doctor ran a betas test and my hcg more than doubled which was great but my progesterone levels dropped from 10 to 8. I am going in tomorrow for an u/s and to ask the doctor if he would start me on a progesterone supplement. I asked the nurse practitioner when she called this morning and she sounded as she was against the supplement. Anyhow, have any of you gone through the same thing? Did they start you on progesterone supplement or did you continue without it and have a healthy pregnancy?
I'm a nervous wreck right now because I had a m/c in dec.
Re: Low progesterone levels at 5 weeks pregnant.
I was on Progesterone suppositories until I was 10 weeks pregnant.
I don't know what my progesterone level was before my beta's becasue I started on the supplements before my beta because I went through fertility treatments. I would definately try to get on supplements as soon as possible.
Thank you all so much. You have no idea how much at ease it puts me to read these stories. I hope they start me on it tomorrow and that all goes well.
Congratulations to all of you and may you continue with a H & H pregnancy
The Nurse Practitioner is the one I spoke to and seemed against it but I am going to see the OB tomorrow. That did sound odd to me as well.
I was put on progesterone shots because my levels were low. I am 20 weeks and was recently taken off of them until further notice.
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"><a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker"><img border="0" src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/ticker/show/825/1820/8251820.png" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>My initial progesterone with this pregnancy was 10 and with my miscarriage was only at a 12 at 5 weeks. Both times I was put on progesterone until week 12.
Some physicians are hesitant to start the supplements because the general medical understanding (in lieu of a previous workup indicating it's part of a bigger problem) is that a low prog, more often than not indicates a non-viable pregnancy vs a symtom they can fix to ensure viability. Fortunately my doc figured it couldn't hurt things and so far so good with this pregnancy. Bets of luck to you!
I was on progesterone until 13 weeks, and I am almost certain that it's why my baby was able to survive this long. My doctor was fairly sure that my body's inability to produce sufficient amounts of progesterone was the reason I 1) never ovulated, and 2) lost my first baby.
There are creams (paraben-free) that you can get on Amazon if the NP decides she doesn't want to give you progesterone.
Very stressful. The reason the NP might express hesitation is because it is unclear if progesterone supplementation once a pregnancy is confirmed/established actually has a benefit. The known benefit for its use is starting right after ovulation. I think that early start is so it can help the corpus luteum, which then passes progesterone production over to the placenta by 8 weeks (though some women stay on it until 12 weeks or longer). That said, only women under the care of an RE typically start progesterone pre-BFP, yet many other women (as evidenced above) do take progesterone based on low numbers after a BFP. So, while it may still be unknown if it actually has a physical benefit, it seems that it has an emotional benefit for moms knowing they are doing everything they can.
Will they retest you? After all, tests are fallible.
I hope that your provider has some encouraging words for you and that you have a healthy pregnancy.
More Green For Less Green
At about 4weeks, my progesterone was at a 3.1, and they wanted it at least a 10. They started me on progesterone suppositories until I hit 12 weeks.
Good luck!
Is that a Shiba? I have one too!
OP, I was out on progesterone at 5 weeks, 4 days. 200mg twice a day. I'll let you know later if my levels increased after my blood draw today. Good luck! Oh, and they've made me super tired, that's all.
M/MC at 9w4d 5/23/12.
DS1- 8/2013
DS2- 11/2015 (Second round IUI)
DD- 9/2017
Baby #4 Due 5/10/20 TEAM GREEN
I am happy to say that I went to my OB today and they did an u/s which confirmed everything is right on track and they prescribed Promethium which I have to take every night at bedtime. Thank you all for your responses, you've been incredibly helpful and have helped me relax. Wishing you a wonderful pregnancy and delivery
I am currently 5.5 weeks and I was put on Pegesterone at 4.5 weeks. I went in to have a blood test to confirm the pregnancy and all my levels (hcg and pegesterone) came back great hcg236 and pegesterone at an 18. I went back in for more labs 48 hours to see if they were increasing like they should and while my hcg doubled as planned, my pegesterone had dropped to a 12. My doc said although i was still in the "normal" side of things, just as a precautionary measure, she put me on pegesterone suppositories because she didn't like the fact that my pegesterone levels had dropped. She has me using them all the way through my first trimester.
I go back in tomorrow for more labs after being on the suppositories for a week! Hoping for great news
I had my first u/s on 10/24/12. The dr couldnt see a baby yet, just the sac. She said my HCG levels were fine, but my progesterone levels were a little low. I was put on 200 mg twice a day. I have been feeling kind of buzzed after I take them. Anyone else had these side effects? I am going back to the dr on 10/31/12. I am not sure if they ware going to test levels again. I hope they do so I can see if the HCG level is rising like it should.. This is my first pregnancy. I am hoping I get to see my little white blob on Wednesday! Please let me know if you had these symptoms. I will be takin the pills until 12 or 13 weeks.