Cloth Diapering


I think I've basically completed my nb stash. 2 dozen prefolds, 8-12 fitteds, 4-6 AIO's, and a few pockets. (numbers aren't exact, but I think I have close to 40 dipes, I'm addicted!) I'm slowly starting my after nb stash and I'm wondering about inserts/doublers. Are these an immediate necessity or do I just wait and see how LO does without the extra absorbency? Thanks for your help!

Re: Inserts/Doublers

  • If you are using pockets, inserts will be immediately necessary, as they provide the absorbancy. Most pockets come with these. 


    I would suggest having a few doublers on hand, you will almost certainly want them at some point. Hemp, bamboo, or a blend of the two are very trim, absorbant, and are great for adding absorbancy to your fave nighttime diaper once LO starts sleeping several hours. You might need them in the first month, you might not, but they arehandy to have! 

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  • I agree, I would buy a few just to scope out what you like, and so that they'll be on hand when baby starts sleeping more. My DS1 didn't need extra absorbency for a couple of months (since he nursed every hour round the clock!) but DS2 would sleep for 5-6 hours at a time from day 1. We needed the doublers pretty quickly.

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  • I already had to move her up to the longer BG inserts.  We're at 6 weeks.  If she starts sleeping more than 4 hours I'll have to add the small doubler too.  I think she might be a heavy wetter too.
    image  image  image



  • Thanks ladies! I'll start shopping around. Any favorite brands? Or brands to avoid?
  • DD is 3 weeks olds and we are using pockets. I just recently had to pick up extra inserts. I bought both bamboo and hemp and have liked both. The bamboo is softer so I'll probably invest in more of these.



    Emerson Kate born 4/6/12, 5 lbs. 13 oz. 18 3/4 inches.


    Happily expecting Baby Mac #2 around 4/13/14


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