Ever see a class list with Ryan, Sean or Carter and think that's a boy and later find out, it's a girl! I know people give girls boys names to be different, but I think these names should STAY boys names. What boys names have you found to be used for girls and just not like the female version? Please use this list, copy, clip and add. Thanks!
Re: Names that should STAY Boys Names.
agree with OP and adding:
Wesley (yes my DH met a girl with his name)
Kyle (I recently interviewed a girl named Kyle)
I'm down with almost any surnamish masculine name for a girl as long as it's a family name.
The names that come to mind for me are names like Richard, Robert, William, Matthew, etc. Luckily I can say that I've never come across a girl with any of those names (although I do know a girl named Michael).
Yes! Logan and Parker- I forgot about those. I'm also adding Dylan to my list.
My Ovulation Chart
Dylan for sure. I know a female Dylan and also know several female Hunters. Hunter especially seems to be catching on as a girl name and I just don't get it.
*pout* :-(
Dylan is our boy name choice for this baby. I know Taylor is unisex but for me, it's always been a girl name. Now Tyler, should remain a boy name. It keeps coming up as recommended for a girl to me on baby name sites and books... First of all, I'd never do Tyler and Taylor. Second of all, I'd never use Tyler for a girl.
Anyway... I like certain unisex names for girls but there are many more names I consider to be a boy's name.
I have a daughter named Avery, so I can't really gripe about people giving their daughters male names. Avery technically was a boys name first.
Charlie.. and it's a nickname, not a given name.
My friend just had a baby girl and named her Carson. Or maybe it is Carsyn?!
Oh, and on behalf of my son - Connor. I have met one female Connor and have heard of a few others. Yuck.
Married 6/28/03
Kate ~ 7/3/09 *** Connor ~ 11/11/10
4 miscarriages: 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014
No more TTC for us. We are done, and at peace, as a family of 4.
"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens
A Facebook friend just named her daughter Macyn. Ew.
Danica 10.22.10 | Milo 12.23.12
Ahhhh I love your siggy pic! What a priceless moment!
Little Man Z - 2011
Baby Girl E - 2013
Addison - Dylan- Emerson- Carrington- Kendall- Emory - Avery
A FB friend of mine had a baby girl last August and named her Carson! Ick. I've always disliked that name for boys but I especially detest it for girls.
Kieth [yes, I know of a little girl named Keith. sigh]
James [spelled Jaymz]
Also, I dislike Peyton and Hayden as girl names.
And Carson. I also don't like Addison on girls but I don't like it for a boy either.
I don't mind boy names on girls if it is the mother's maiden name.
To name just a few.
ANY name that has the word or meaning "son of..." Linguistically, it just doesn't make sense to give this to girls. Sorry, I know this includes popular names like Addison, but the reality is, girls are not "sons of" anyone.
Any name that already has an appropriate feminine version (Charles and Charlotte... do we really need to name girls Charlie when Charlotte is available??? The nn is cute, but for a full, given name, stick with the already-available name for girls).
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
The thing I hate is that because a few people have their DD a boys name, people automatically say its unisex. No, you have just taken a boys name and given it to a girl. That's doesnt make it unisex. Names that should stay boys names for me are
Jonah (yes, I've met a female Jonah)
And just a note on the name Noah. Noa is a legit Israeli girls name, I don't know if these people who are naming their DD's this are using the Noa spelling or not, but I just thought I'd put it out there.
Home Birthing-Breastfeeding-Cloth Diapering-Baby Wearing-CoSleeping-Delayed/Selective Vaccination Mama to Charlie (5yrs) and Madeline (21mos)
I feel like all of these with the exception of Dylan and Kendall are girl names rather than boy names. I do know several female Dylans and Kendalls but thats just NMS.
Also a PP said Morgan...thats 100% a girl name IMO.
missed m/c @ 9w5d, baby measured 8w1d, no h/b
D&C 5.23.12
I knew a female Charlie and Kyle when I was younger. Charlie was her given name, not a nickname, and she was an extreme girly girl. Kyle was not girly at all and was extremely mean.
When I was 11 or so a family moved into my neighborhood and had a couple 5/6 year olds. My neighborhood was filled with younger kids so I just played with them. Before I met the kids, another girl (7 or so) and I talked to the parents, basically asking if they had any kids, and we were told they had Caleb and Logan and they'd be coming later so we could come back to meet them. So this other girl and I got excited but kept debating on whether or not it was two brothers or a boy and a girl. I swore Logan had to be a boy, but I was sorely mistaken on that front.
blog! thescenery.net
I have seen both of my boys' names on girls (Declan and Asher.) It makes me sad. And they always mess with the spelling, too - Decklynn, Deklin, etc.
In fact, there is a cloth diaper company called Declyn Dipes; I reuse to buy from them on principle.
IMO if you want to use your maiden name is fine but certain names are for boys and some are for girls. Couldn't Jessica Simpson at least feminize the name Maxwell into Maxie or Maxine? Or use Maxwell as the middle name and have had Drew Maxwell? Drew is a unisex name. Maxwell is not. I started this thread because its so weird at work or school to see or hear a name you think is a boys name like Maxwell, Shawn, Brent, Ryan, and Carter and think its a boy and then find out its a girl. I feel bad for those girls/women. They are going to go through that their whole life.
I wonder how some names BECOME unisex. I think Bailey, Hayden and Cameron are unisex. I was surprised to learn Ashley, Kelsey and Kelly were originally boys names.