
late evening/nights like for you?

just wondering what your late evenings and nights are like with your twins (trips, etc).  ours gets pretty fussy in the evening - much more than my son although he was fussy in the evenings too.  but right now, i usually go to bed about 8:30 and my husband will stay up with them until their next feeding - he gives them a bottle so i get a break.  during that timeframe they are really fussy for him.  crying a lot, not happy in the swing/seat/playmat/being held. during the day these things usually work.    the good news is that they went 6 1/2 hours straight last night so we only had to do one night feeding at 4 and 4:30am.  i think they could have gone longer but with the grunts/weird noises/squirming i knew it was only a matter of time and i was engorged so i just started the feeding process. but i feel like for 5 1/2 week twins that'sa pretty good stretch of sleep. 

...anyone else get driven crazy by the "newborn noises" though?  it sounds like wild kingdom in our bedroom sometimes.

Re: late evening/nights like for you?

  • At that age my girls were really fussy around that time too.  Not much worked to calm them down.  We did lots of swaddling, rocking, and pacing the floors with them.  It started to get better around 8 weeks.  Hang in really does get easier.  :)

    They never have been very noisy when they're sleeping, but I see a lot of people post about that.   

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • For the first few months our girls would get super super fussy from around 5 pm until around 9 or 10 pm.  They would both just cry and cry and nothing would soothe them.  During that time they would take little 10 minute naps and then wake up screaming.  For your twins being so young sleeping 6 1/2 hours is great. Hopefully they keep doing that.  

    P.S. Those newborn noises drove me crazy too.   

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  • I'm so glad I am not the only one with Wild Kingdom in the bedroom!  My girls are the noisiest sleepers.  When you said "grunts/weird noises/squirming" I knew exactly what you were talking about.
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  • The grunting is why we moved them to their own rooms at two weeks.  I call one of my girls Monkey because she sounded like a howler monkey when she slept.  She still does it a little but it mostly went away at about 9 weeks.  Both babies still get fussy in the evenings especially if we've had a fun day out and they didn't get all their formal naps in.  
    IVF#1 May 2011 15 Eggs Retrieved, 11 Fertilized using ICSI + HPT on 6/9/11 Beta #1 420 Beta #2 2167 US 7/1 TWINS!! Due 2/18/2012 Brooke and Nora born at 35.6 weeks Jan 20th 2012
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