Cloth Diapering


Please guve me advice on where to START with cloth diapering. Websites, tutuorials, brands, registering etc. Thanks ladies
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  • Check out the FAQs that will get you started.

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  • lwsnakelwsnake member
    Also YouTube is very helpful to see what the diapers look like.
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  • Nicki's diapers also has a 'new to cloth' section.  Big red button on the right side that says "Overwhelmed? Click here!" :)

    My advice is to not get overwhelmed with all of the choices - figure out the style you like, then fabric, then you'll know what brands are worth looking at for you. 




  • My local cloth diaper boutique has an extensive website:   They have information on what suits your lifestyle from a 'quiz', washing information rating various detergents, and all sorts of help. I found them soooo helpful.
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  • I usually just lurk around here!

    I haven't actually *started* using my cloth diapers yet (They are in the mail! Big Smile) but I found the website very helpful!

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