Trying to Get Pregnant

OB/GYN Advice (sort of long)

So I am in the market for a new OB/GYN.  I've been trying to find one listed on my insurance website. I just called and they don't have any in my area that cover prenatal care.  I would have to drive a minimum of an hour to get there (if there's no traffic).  Which means that I need to pick one out of network.  Basically I have my choice of doctor in my area.

How do you go about picking your OB/GYN?  

Back story (if you're interested): I had a horrible experience when I had DS.  The OB/GYN I had been going to since I was 18 didn't cover prenatal care.  And even though we had talked about the fact that we were getting ready to ttc they never mentioned that they didn't cover it.  So they referred me to a doctor that I found rude, rough, and made both DH & I uncomfortable.  So we switched to a family doctor in our area and he was wonderful.  A perfect fit for us.  But his son got sick.  He had a congenital bleeding disorder which led to my doctor having to move out of state to get care for his own child. Totally understandable, but it left me with out a doctor in my third trimester.  I wound up with a midwife practice that has rotating schedule, so you see whoever is there that day.  And I just don't feel like it was the right fit for me.  Although I am debating about going back just because I would know what to expect and would be better at being my own advocate next time around.  

 Anyway, sorry that's so long.  I was just wondering how you ladies pick your OB's? And what would you look for if you were starting from scratch?

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Re: OB/GYN Advice (sort of long)

  • I moved to a new state, so I was starting from scratch too.  I asked friends who they used, and whether they were happy with them.  I made a list of those that came most highly recommended and then checked to see whether they were covered under my insurance. Turns out the first one I checked was covered, so I went to him, and am happy to report that the recommendation was warranted. He is fantastic!

    I would ask around and see that your friends are saying. Also, if you don't feel comfortable asking friends, ask on your local board and see if people are willing to give some recs.

    ** After  2 1/2 years of Unexplained IF, 2 failed medicated cycles, and 4 failed IUI's - our baby girl came to us through the miracle of
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  • I looked for local OB/GYNs in my insurance program and then Googled them to find reviews. Positive Yelp reviews actually led me to my OB/GYN.



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  • I actually go to the ob/gyn that took over the practice of my mom's ob/gyn ( the one who delivered me!). I really like her and she's affiliated with a great hospital too. 
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  • When I found out I was pregnant with DS I didn't have a Dr. because mine had recently quit practicing. I didn't know where to start but ended up calling a hospital where I'd had friends deliver and told them my insurance provider. They matched me with an OB who I then googled, found good reviews and everything worked out great. I've since moved to a smaller area where I was able to find a good place by just asking around and confirming with Google. I set up a yearly to check things out and liked them a lot.

    I do prefer a smaller practice because you get to know each Dr. and you never know who could deliver your baby. But I would definitely not decide on a practice based on this alone. I wouldn't settle for a place that you are not totally comfortable with. I've had friends switch practices mid pregnancy and it is no big deal.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I also asked family and friends who they went to.  I knew also which hospital I would want to deliver at and narrowed my drs down by that also
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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  • I got recommendations from my RE, picked one of those doctors, then fired her.  Then I got recommendations from some friends and coworkers & went with the doctor who was recommended a couple of times (also happened to be on the list from the RE).  I love him and am glad I switched.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Married 1/2/99.
    TTC since 4/09.
    Diagnosed PCOS. Diagnosed Hypothryoid 11/09.
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    5/1/11 - BFP #3 - Pre-eclampsia, IUGR & bed rest from 32w. DD born via induction 1/4/12.
  • I don't know if anyone suggested this already but it may be possible that you could get something called an "in network exception" where you could use an out of network dr on an in network basis since you have no providers in your area that are close by.. The insurance company I work for offers that and the mileage is not too far to qualify so it may be something to ask about so that you don't HAVE to use your out of network benefits
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