Happy Monday! My husband asked me to review all of his military medical records for him for accuracy. He simply doesn't have the patience. One thing I came across when I was reading over his complete physical was a "large varicocele". I had seen the term around here some so it caught my eye. The doctor never mentioned it to my husband and he said that he never noticed anything abnormal before.
I have read that it can cause infertility. It is only cycle 5 for us and I'm not in a panic that we haven't conceived yet, but I guess I am just wondering if this is something that should be checked out. Does anyone know anything about this or have a husband that has had it?
Thanks in advance!
Re: Opinions please..
Me: 34 Mild Thin PCOS DH: 36
5 Clomid & TI= BFFN
IUI-IVF coming Soon...