Late Term and Child Loss

~Monday Bible verses~

Sorry I am a little late getting to this everybody.

mrssoprano, mandystephen, ihakers, how are you? Does anyone have anything they would like to share?

For those of you who haven't seen this, a few of us ladies who find comfort in the Bible decided on Monday afternoons to share either some Bible verses that have spoken to us lately, something we have been praying about or the lyrics to a worship some that have been meaningful. Anyone who would like to share, come on in!

I wanted to share my reading from a devotion I am going through called The One Year Book of Hope by Nancy Guthrie. Nancy wrote this book after the loss of two of her children (Hope and Gabriel) shortly after birth.

on pg. 195 she wrote, quote


As Hope was born the week of Thanksgiving, our plan had been to create a combination Christmas card/birth announcement to send out in December. I suppose that is what it was, but in a sense it was also a death pronouncement. We sent out hundreds of cards, telling everyone about the diagnosis Hope had been given. We wrote:

So what does this mean for Hope and for our family? It means we may have only a short time to love Hope this side of heaven, and that is what we intend to do. She is a beautiful peaceful child and is already bringing us so much joy. We know that God has a purpose for her life that will be completly accomplished during her days on this earth.

     We knew people would only look at our circumstances and see only sorrow and tragedy. Some who read our card said we were in serious denial. But it wasn't denial. We were experiencing an inner reality of God's presence and and purpose that can't be seen with the eye but is nevertheless very real. Perhaps you know exactly what I mean because you've experienced it too. Each day we were given grace and courage that defied explanation, and eyes to see that there is much more that is real as what we see and touch today.

   Choosing to see God working in and through your circumstances for your good and for His glory is not merely "positive thinking," nor is it denial of reality. It is the ultimate embracing of reality-the reality that can't be seen with the human eye or processed by human understanding.

  What does it mean to fix our eyes on what is unseen? It means that though we have never seen Christ with our physical eyes, we fix our eyes of faith on Him and believe. Though we have never seen bodies raised up out of graves, we fix our eyes of faith on Scripture and anticipate that day. Though we hae never seen a place called heaven, can not find it on a map, and can't imagine what it will be like, we fix our eyes of faith on God's promises and long to be there.

Digging Deeper: Read John 20:29 and Hebrews 11:1. What do these passages reveeal about what it means to fix your eyes on the unseen? How did Moses do this, according to Hebrews, 11:24-28?" end quote~


Does anyone have a prayer request this week? I would like to pray for anyone who does.

((hugs to everyone))






My little boy went to heaven during childbirth Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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type 1 diabetic for 7 years. Been on the pump for 6 years.
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