Baby Names

Just curious on my top 5 names and a ?

DH and I are TTC for this first time this month, but we've both had "lists" of names on our phones since we first met.  I'm curious to know what your thoughts are on these names that are my top 5 for a boy and top 5 for a girl.  Last name is very Italian and begins with an L (just for kicks).


Caroline Rae (my favorite)




Blaire Finley or Finley Blaire (I've read a lot of people dislike Finley, but I've always loved it)

Rae, Elizabeth, Maria, and Harper are mn we have batted around - Rae and Maria with significance to our families/close friends.  We also like Analeigh, Lillian, and Mallory as top first name contenders for what its worth.


Miles (my favorite)





We're at a loss for middle names with boys. 

Here's my question.  My SIL is pregnant and isn't finding out the sex until the birthday (is that Team Green btw?) in November and her name for a girl is Jonesy Caroline.  If she sticks with that choice is it wrong for me to still use Caroline if we decide to go with it?

TTC #1 Me: 30/DH: 35

Re: Just curious on my top 5 names and a ?

  • I'd still use Caroline. What is Jonesy? Jones-y or Jon-e-sy?

    Caroline Rae (would you use both as the first name? if so, then I don't care for it. Otherwise I like Caroline fine)

    Penelope- cute, with a good nn option (Penny)

    Charlotte- boring

    Hannah- eh, prefer Anna or Johanna

    Blair- I like, no e, but not with Finley (or vice versa) because they are too masculine together.

    I'd cut Analeigh out of your mn options- it has the word anal in it.

    For girls I'd go with Penelope Blair, or Caroline Maria.

    Miles- love

    Nolan- eh

    Greyson- dislike immensely, but love just Grey

    Emerson- dislike

    Gavin- okay

    I'd do Miles Grey for a boy.

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  • 1) Yes, you can still use Caroline if poor Jonesy has it as a middle name.

    2) Caroline and Penelope are nice, though depending on whether your Italian last name has a Lo- sound in it, Penelope may be a bit much. Hannah and Charlotte are nice as well, though much more common. I like Blair ok, but you're right that Finley will not get much love here (cousins Jonesy and Finley?).

    3) I like Gavin and Miles. Nolan is fine. Greyson is trendy (unless it's a family name), and there are too many girls named Emerson for me to recommend it for a boy.

    4) Please, no Analeigh ? no matter how it is spelled, I only see anal. 

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  • Oh my goodness - you guys crack me up.  I completely didn't see the anal in Analeigh.  I think the spell DH likes is Annaleigh, but still there's anal in there.  I'll be sure to point that out to DH when the time comes then.

    Yes, Jonesy - don't ask.  I'm not a fan of it either, but, then again, she will name her LO what she wants.  Surprisingly, some of our friends think it's a good idea.  (????)


    TTC #1 Me: 30/DH: 35
  • My DD's name is Anna Lee and FWIW, I wish I would have gone with my gut (instead of listening to other people) and named her Annalee Grace. I also like Hannah, Caroline, Blair, Miles, Nolan, and Gavin. And to answer your question, no, it's not wrong. I would still go with Caroline for a FN is SIL uses it for a MN.
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  • I like Caroline Rae (not a problem to use it even if SIL goes with Jonesy Caroline, IMO)

    Your boy names are NMS, but if I had to choose I'd go with Nolan

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  • Would Caroline flow with your last name? A friend of mine was going to name her daughter Caroline Lewis but she didn't like the two L sounds in a row. I do like the name, though.

    Of the others, I like:

    Penelope Elizabeth

    Hannah Blaire

    Blaire Maria


    Emerson Blake

    Greyson Scott

    Nolan Miles

    Gavin Miles

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  • I think Finley is a boys name. My top picks would be Lillian (love it!) and Greyson.
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  • Is your SIL seriously considering the name Jonesy for a girl? Wow. 

    Re your names: Blair and Finley are both boy names to me, so naturally I strongly dislike them on girls. Used together they definitely sound all boy to me. I like your other choices though, my favourite being Caroline (and I think it's totally fine to use it even if your SIL is considering Caroline as a mn- my sister's first name is the same as my cousin's middle name and it has never been an issue). I also really like Analeigh, although I know others don't like it because it sounds like anally. I pronounce it as Ah-na-lee so it doesn't necessarily sound the same to me, but there is the potential for it to be pronounced the same.

    Of your boy names, I like Gavin and Miles the best.  

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  • Dude, between you and your sister you WIN the baby naming game. Jonesy? Ugh. Horrible.

    I agree that Blaire would be incredibly refreshing, and I also like Penelope and Hannah on your list. I'm kind of over Caroline right now.

    For boys, the only one I like is Gavin. I find Greyson and Emerson popular as girl names (often with awful modified spellings) and I would just avoid them.

    Middle names for Gavin: Michael, Marcus, James

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  • I wouldn't use Caroline Rae bc of the actress Caroline Rhea.  I know it's spelled differently, but it sounds the same.  I like Blaire the best from your list for girls and Nolan for boys.
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  • I love Caroline Rae! I also love all your boy names, but I'd go with Miles or Nolan.
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  • I love Caroline Rae, although I prefer Mae. But that's just me. Charlotte, Hannah and Finley are OK. Penelope and Blaire are nms. However, I kind of dig Caroline Blaire :)

    For boys, I don't love Miles... but if it's your fave, go for it. Miles Emerson (thereby avoiding the unisex issue) or Miles Grayson sound nice together and kill two birds with one stone.

    Good luck!

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  • Caroline Rae immediately made think of the actress Caroline Rhea. I HATE the name Rae, but love Caroline.

    Hannah and Charlotte are adorable. 

    I don't care for any of the boy names.


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  • imageaddieusc13:

    DH and I are TTC for this first time this month, but we've both had "lists" of names on our phones since we first met.  I'm curious to know what your thoughts are on these names that are my top 5 for a boy and top 5 for a girl.  Last name is very Italian and begins with an L (just for kicks).


    Caroline Rae (my favorite)




    Blaire Finley or Finley Blaire (I've read a lot of people dislike Finley, but I've always loved it)

    Rae, Elizabeth, Maria, and Harper are mn we have batted around - Rae and Maria with significance to our families/close friends.  We also like Analeigh, Lillian, and Mallory as top first name contenders for what its worth.


    Miles (my favorite)





    We're at a loss for middle names with boys. 

    Here's my question.  My SIL is pregnant and isn't finding out the sex until the birthday (is that Team Green btw?) in November and her name for a girl is Jonesy Caroline.  If she sticks with that choice is it wrong for me to still use Caroline if we decide to go with it?

    I think since Caroline will be her middle name, it is totally fine to use Caroline as a first name for your LO if you have a girl. I like all your girl choices, especially Caroline and Hannah. (Although I've never been excited about the middle name "Rae")

    Of your boy names, I like Miles and Gavin the most. Not a fan of Grayson or Emerson (both seem super trendy to me). Although I do like the name Grey as a stand-alone name or a nickname for Graham.

  • Caroline is definitely my favorite of your list, but I don't love Rae.  Caroline Maria sounds nice.  I also like Hannah.  I'm kind of over Charlotte at this point, and I dislike both Blaire and Finley.

    Of the boys, I like Miles, but I'm not a fan of the rest.

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  • I LOVE Blaire Finley.  My sister's name is Hannah and it has always been my favorite; a very sweet name.
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  • imageCocoBrynne:
    I wouldn't use Caroline Rae bc of the actress Caroline Rhea.  I know it's spelled differently, but it sounds the same.  I like Blaire the best from your list for girls and Nolan for boys.

    I agree with this.  I don't think it's bad for you to use it though if your SIL ends up using it as a mn.  Jonesy is really bad.  I can just imagine teenage boys say something like they're jonesing to get it on with Jonesy or something.  Maybe they won't make that connection but yuck!  Anyway on your list I like Gavin, Greyson and Charlotte (without nn Charlie).

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  • imageSuperDeDuper:

    1) Yes, you can still use Caroline if poor Jonesy has it as a middle name.

    Ha!  This cracked me up.  Poor Jonesy indeed.  Tongue Tied 

    I don't know if it's hormones or tiredness after a busy day or what, but I cannot stop LOLing every time I scroll past "poor Jonesy." I am sure H can hear me laughing in a quiet house and thinks I'm nuts. :)

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  • imagerels09:

    1) Yes, you can still use Caroline if poor Jonesy has it as a middle name.

    Ha!  This cracked me up.  Poor Jonesy indeed.  Tongue Tied 

    I don't know if it's hormones or tiredness after a busy day or what, but I cannot stop LOLing every time I scroll past "poor Jonesy." I am sure H can hear me laughing in a quiet house and thinks I'm nuts. :)

     DH and I just shake our heads when we talk about it...I'm hoping she'll change her mind before November.

    TTC #1 Me: 30/DH: 35
  • Girl:

    Caroline Rae (my favorite) - nice name but all I think of is the actress Caroline Rhea

    Penelope - just not a fan of the name

    Charlotte - nice but I hear it a lot lately

    Hannah - always a classic and one of my favorite students so it's a plus for me

    Blaire Finley or Finley Blaire (I've read a lot of people dislike Finley, but I've always loved it) - Finley it's kind of masculine so I would use it for a MN and go with Blaire Finley

    Rae, Elizabeth, Maria, and Harper are mn we have batted around - Rae and Maria with significance to our families/close friends.  We also like Analeigh, Lillian, and Mallory as top first name contenders for what its worth.


    Miles (my favorite) - love this name

    Nolan - like it a lot

    Greyson - not a fan at all

    Emerson - sounds feminie to me

    Gavin - it's alright

    My SIL is pregnant and isn't finding out the sex until the birthday (is that Team Green btw?) in November and her name for a girl is Jonesy Caroline. If she sticks with that choice is it wrong for me to still use Caroline if we decide to go with it?

    With a stupid name like Jonesy I don't know if anyone will notice the Caroline. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it if one if for a FN and one is for a MN. I'm hoping she has a boy.

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