Nothing. Barely even any BH contractions. Tomorrow is my BPP (U/S and NST) then appointment with my midwife. I'm sad, but i'll be scheduling a c/s for the end of the week (praying they have openings!). I'll be 41 weeks on Friday, and that's it for me. Today i'm stressing like a fool about if baby is okay. She's moving, but I just can't stop freaking out. It's awful, but I feel mad at her because she isn't coming out. I know it's just hormones, but I never thought after having my DS at 39 weeks that this one would be late. Then i'm afraid she isn't coming because something is wrong... is her head big? Cord wrapped and she can't descend?? Of course, if I go into labor before my scheduled c/s i'll attempt a vbac. But at this point, I don't even think i'll agree to an induction. From what i'm reading it's just too scary. Not many practices do it (obviously for a reason). I'm also reading that a failed induction leading to a c/s is even more risky for a vbac. I'm trying to come to grips with everything... I really thought I was going to have a picture perfect pregnancy and birth. I should know better because my life NEVER goes that way. But I thought I was going to just get a treat for once. I'm sad. Stressed. But really I just want to hold my little girl.

DS - 7.2006 - C-Section b/c Breech
DS2 - 4.2008 - Successful Vbac
DD - 5.2012 - Successful Vbac
Re: Still pregnant :(
(hugs). I'm sure it must be so frustrating to wait. I have it in my mind that I'm not going late with this one....but then doubts creep in and I start to get antsy. And I still have 6 weeks to go. I can imagine how much more stressed I'll be at 40 weeks.
When you say no induction, I'm assuming you mean chemical. If you've made some progress, will your midwife sweep your membranes tomorrow? Hopefully, the U/S and NST will ease your fears about DD's safety.
Good luck tomorrow and try to relax!
I'm so sorry. I was 11 days late with DS so I can definitely relate to the fear and anger you are feeling. Can you schedule a pregnancy massage or something else that will help relax you? They might even be able to try to stimulate some accupresure points. I have heard that stress can delay the onset of labor so it's worth it to try to do some relaxation, though I know it's easier said than done.
I hope you get some more answers and encouragement at your appt tomorrow!
She swept them at 39 weeks and I think she did it at 40 too and DH and I dtd right after. I'll certainly ask her to do it again. Nothing to lose at this point. Yesterday I cleaned my house, walked for 3 hours at the park, detailed my car inside and out, then played baseball with my kids. And not one single BH! At my last appt. I was 2-3cm. I don't think i've made any progress. The midwife i'm seeing, who delivered my DS via vbac last time had always said she would do a slow induction (pit only)... i'm just not sure i'm comfortable with that now.
DS - 7.2006 - C-Section b/c Breech
DS2 - 4.2008 - Successful Vbac
DD - 5.2012 - Successful Vbac
Sorry, I know it's frustrating. Babies come anywhere from 38-42 weeks. That magical 40 week due date is just the average. It absolutely does NOT mean that something is wrong.