Has anyone been on any?
Trying to look for a central location for a girls weekend.
TTC #2 since June '08
~*DD 10.21.07*~
dx unexplained
IUI #1-4 BFN
IVF#1 June 2011 BFN
IVF#2 Dec 2011
Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634
EDD 8/25
Re: NIFVR - PA wine trails
I haven't been on a true wine trail in PA, although I live in the midst of one. If you are looking at the Ad.ams Co. area I can maybe give a few suggestions.
I did a Senecca lakes tour about 8 years ago; I'm sure things have changed since then.
Dx MFI, AMA, Endo, AMH .16
Lap 10/09 Removed endometrioma, stage IV endo and adhesions
Lap 2/10 Endometrioma cysts & adhesions returned.
Ivf #1 4/10 Antagonist, ET Cancelled.
IVF #2 2/11 A/ACP+E2V C/P
IVF #3 6/11 Letrozole/Antagonist BFN
IVF #4 11/11 Low stim Antagonist BFN
Lap 3/12 Lap & Selective HSG
Many cycles of Letrozole and LP HCG w/TI and LDN
IVF #5 8/12 Low stim BFN
IUI #1 10/12 BFN br> S&PAIFW
basically we are looking for something we can visit a few wineries -- and stay somewhere close.
half of us are in NY. Half in MD. so i am clueless. I did a quick google search but was wondering if anyone has any experience or suggestions!
we've all been to the nia.gara wine trail and one in NY.
TTC #2 since June '08
~*DD 10.21.07*~
dx unexplained
IUI #1-4 BFN
IVF#1 June 2011 BFN
IVF#2 Dec 2011
Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634
EDD 8/25
The trails close to me include the Mason Dixon wine trail https://www.masondixonwinetrail.com/ and the https://www.gettysburgwineandfruittrail.com/
Hauser Estate has beautiful views ( I wish it was around when I got married). They have a deck and lots of weekend events. They have live music and catered events every weekend which are open to the public. I'm not a huge fan of their wine but the rest of the place is great.
Reid's is small. Hasn't been in busy long. Adams County Winery has some really tasty wine. They are little more tucked away, but they also have a good number of events. Hickory Bridge Fams is a quaint little restaurant along the trial route that has some excellent food. I think they require reservations. Gettysburg would be the most logical place to fine a room. Most of the local wineries have smaller shops inside town. I can make some rmotel ecs if you think you might be headed this way.
Over towards Lancaster there is Mount Hope Estate. Their wine is very good and the place is huge. If you go that way, I'd catch the town of Litiz and hit Wilburs Chocolate factory and Sturgis Pretzel bakery. Also check out Roots it's a huge farmer's market that I enjoy.
Several of the trails in the Southern PA area overlap each other, In other words, Adams Co. wineries fall into a Mason Dixon Trail, but also can include northern winers such as the Hershey area and east as far as the Amish country. It all depends on how much driving you want to do.
Hope this helps, but maybe you were thinking more around the Poconos or State College area?
Dx MFI, AMA, Endo, AMH .16
Lap 10/09 Removed endometrioma, stage IV endo and adhesions
Lap 2/10 Endometrioma cysts & adhesions returned.
Ivf #1 4/10 Antagonist, ET Cancelled.
IVF #2 2/11 A/ACP+E2V C/P
IVF #3 6/11 Letrozole/Antagonist BFN
IVF #4 11/11 Low stim Antagonist BFN
Lap 3/12 Lap & Selective HSG
Many cycles of Letrozole and LP HCG w/TI and LDN
IVF #5 8/12 Low stim BFN
IUI #1 10/12 BFN br> S&PAIFW
thank you for all the info
once we get there we dont want to drive -- we are open to driving somewhere -- no worries
TTC #2 since June '08
~*DD 10.21.07*~
dx unexplained
IUI #1-4 BFN
IVF#1 June 2011 BFN
IVF#2 Dec 2011
Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634
EDD 8/25