Cloth Diapering

Help, I think she's too small!

DD is 6 days old and I want/need to start her CD's. I had planned on using the sposies from the hospital until I knew I could get to the laundry. Now we are out of the sposies but DD is only 7 pounds and her NB prefolds and covers seem WAY to big. And they rub her umbilical cord. I can't go out for more sposies till morning because the older kids are sleeping and DH is working. Right now I just have a doubler inside a Bummis Super Whisper wrap but it's half way down her legs and the doubler moves so not sure how well it will hold. What can I do for the night to keep her clean and dry?
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Re: Help, I think she's too small!

  • My NBprefolds seemed big on DD when I started too. I would do a bikini twist and fold down a good inch or 2 in the back before I twisted. I took some of the bulk off. I also folded over the little bit of fabric above the aplix in the front. It still rubbed the cord a little, but didnt seemto affect it much
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  • The Bummis wraps are a bit bigger, I believe they are rated for 8 lbs.  My LO isn't quite 7 lbs, was under 6 lbs when we started, and the Bummis ones don't fit her yet either.  We used the GMD orange edged prefolds with the jelly roll fold, folded down below the cord in front, covered with Thirsties Duo Wraps sz 1 and Thirsties XS Covers in the beginning.  We just let the cover go over the cord, since the folded fabric of the PF raised the cover high enough that it didn't rub.  Now we use the GMD's unfolded and the Osocozy green edged prefolds (size 1 or infant size, I think), folded to fit.

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