...has anyone experienced this yet? It is enough to make me give them up, but I am afraid if this is a withdrawal symptom and I have been on them for a week and a half....
I have been taking a narcotic and ibuprofen to manage my pain since 4/19. First med was a generic percocet. I complained to dr something with it was giving me chills when the pill wore off and i was ready for another dose. Dr then iinstead gave me hydrocodone. So now i take ibupfrofen 800 every 6 hrs and hydrocodone i think 500 every 8 hrs. I still get the chills when the drugs wear off. Not sure which one is doing this?? Has anyone had the same reaction?
I plan to talk to my dr again on
mon. I only took ibuprofen through the night to test this and still had
chills. Not sure which drug is doing this. Could the ibuprofen be doing
this? Or the narcotic, hydrocodone? Hmmm.
Re: Meds making me get the chills and shake...
Ditto. I had the same thing happen after my vaginal delivery and I wasn't on narcotics at all. I doubt you would be having such noticeable withdrawal symptoms so soon, but I could be wrong.
Almost 2 yrs later after C/S I still sometimes get a chill.
I'm currently pregnant with #2.
I read that the chill could be a side effect from epidural.